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SCS Frigette steps

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I hope this is in the right place for advice and help. Our coach is a 2006 Diplomat DST.  Our steps stoped working while traveling. We got them retracted by removing the the drive/lift bolt.  Later determined the motor was bad and replaced it. Steps started working fine for a couple of days. Now they stopped working. I have got 12v to control module and to the motor. Operated the new motor with jumpers.Light works and can be turned on and off.  Steps do not retract when ignition is turned on.  I did wire brush  ground connections at the steps.When I place a magnet on door magnet I hear the click but no action on steps.

Now I guess I need to replace the control module. Trying to identify the modle and a part number and do not find any info on the current unit. On line I have found  several  that say the are drop in replacements This number 164889 is mentioned a lot on Newmar coaches have not found info  mentioning  Monaco.

Has anyone used this part number or is there a different number I should look for.  Looks like most of these are in the $200 dollar range ?

Thanks for any help

Don Tucher


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The steps on my 05 Dip DST started acting wonky.  Tapping the control module with a hammer would persuade the steps to behave for a few days.  Eventually even that solution quit working.   I ordered this control module, replaced it myself, and have had not problems since.



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 When I had this problem on our 2004 Newmar coach, I did a lot of research and came up with a lot of links. Part nos changed etc.
Unfortunately I didn't keep the info as to what part I actually ordered but believe it was the 1644889.    My Steps were Assy p/n was 725-022 and the Controller p/n was 202-3222.

What I do remember about the part was that it had one extra wire on it that was determined to be for step with some other unique feature.  We just did not use it and has been work fine

Here are a bunch of links that I gathered while I was trying to identify the parts.  Hope it helps.


https://store.lci1.com/electric-box-electric-steps (P/N reference 164889 shown in picture)


Info from RV.Net  http://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/23189086.cfm





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