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Hello to all

The switch does not look  like a OEM switch it looks the same as the 2 water pump momentary contact switch's that are on my coach.

what I would to do is replace that switch with a positive movement and release not just light touch to make contact because as we all know

how easy it is to bump that switch on the way out the door!

Greg B 07 Endeavor 40 PDQ

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The actual "switching" is done in  the "salesman solenoid".....

(That solenoid is remotely activated/triggered by a small switch near the entry door).




Unless your coach has a "mechanical salesman switch":



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Just bypass the solenoid and use your battery switches in battery box if u need to shut power off. This way u wont have to worry about bumping it. Its a useless Salesman pitch!!! Before and after bypassed below.




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4 hours ago, rambler07 said:

Thanks to all job is done removed relay, connected the 3 red wires together covered same with tape and taped the purple wire.

Greg B 07 Endeavor 40PDQ


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine was buried and a bugger to get to.  Had bypassed it.  Pulled it out yesterday.  It has one "Phantom" wire that I and others think is the POWER to the front switch.  As a precaution, I am putting in an inline fuse holder with the same 5A fuse.  Just in case I (memory is terrible) or Monaco swiped a 12 VDC  House power source for OTHER items.

I put the output to the switch to the 125 Amp fuse that it was feeding....

If yours is buried....like mine....it would be easier to pull in the driveway that at a CG when you need power.  If I jumpered and bypassed it....then WHY do I need it...

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