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Access/Reattach Dash Air Vent to Hose

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2009 HR Scepter has two air vents in front of the passenger seat near a grab rail.  (Photos attached)  The louvered vent on the left has become disconnected from its hose.  The hose is not long enough to pull through the hole and it's just a bit too big around to fit through the hole.  What's the best way to access that hose and reattach it to its vent?  The access panel over the driver's instrument panel is too far away to be of any help.  Ideas please.  Thanks!



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Remove that panel to access all.

remove the handbar.

On my Newmar, the right side is secured by a Push to Engage fitting...just a tug towards you and it releases.  Then panel removes so you can disconnect / reconnect the vent hoses.

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The bezel of your A/C vent might have just unscrewed from the backing.  If so take out the dash assembly by removing the perimeter screws where the yellow arrows are. Then start pulling the dash toward you by grasping the edges at the red arrows. You may have to flex the dash edges toward you to get the headlight switch to clear. You won’t have to disconnect any wires to pull the dash forward.


Once the headlight switch is clear, shift the assembly left an inch so the A/C controls will clear.  Now tip the top toward the steering wheel. You should now have clearance to put your arm in behind the dash where the A/C vent is.  Monaco used drywall screws to attach the hose to the vent backing piece. Take the rear piece out and verify that you can screw the front and rear piece together.  If so, install back in the dash and attach the hose and put the screw back in.


Reassemble the rest in reverse order of the way you removed it.





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08 Camelot tag. I took the easy way, used a hole saw underneath,were your shoes are Barry. Use a size you can get your hand in and snap cap will fit. Mine was on far passenger side and I didn’t know it. My a c would blow cold then get warmer an warmer.Many hrs checking Freon pressure and other AC components just to find the dash vent hose was blowing on my thermostat telling it I’m cold enough! The thing’s we learn.

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Thanks, All, for the suggestions and stories.  My wife and I found success after some reassessing.  We separated the louvered vent from its bezel so that she could get her fingers "inside" and support the hose and its threaded fitting.  After numerous attempts and lots of patience, the threads on both pieces finally engaged and we got enough turns to cinch things up.  We pushed the louvered vent piece back in, the 3 plastic tabs snapped into place and nothing had broken!

vent parts.jpg


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