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I am working on my aquahot and ordered some from chemworld concentrate for 50.00 pr gal. Makes 2 gallons. I panicked it was taking to long and ordered 2 gallons from beach audio 85 total premixed. None of it is coming soon enough😙I tried to upload pictures and might have messed up🙃647AADD5-C47D-43F6-A7A1-F830C4D55E1C.thumb.png.ec04f85c1266efdcce82c8fe6474df97.png


Georgia, first make sure your unit needs boiler fluid (propylene glycol) rather than regular automotive antifreeze (ethylene glycol). If you don't have your manual for your specific model you can find it here http://www.rvhydronicheaterrepair.com/RVHYDModelInfo.htm

If boiler fluid is needed you need to read what you are purchasing carefully. Like automotive antifreeze, you can find either concentrate (needs to be diluted) or pre-mix (do not dilute).

Amazon has concentrate (need to dilute to 40%-50%) so your quantity is doubled. ChemWorld Boiler Antifreeze Concentrate (95% Inhibted PG Pink) - 1 Gallon

Good luck with your search.

32 minutes ago, SteveC said:

Georgia, first make sure your unit needs boiler fluid (propylene glycol) rather than regular automotive antifreeze (ethylene glycol). If you don't have your manual for your specific model you can find it here http://www.rvhydronicheaterrepair.com/RVHYDModelInfo.htm

If boiler fluid is needed you need to read what you are purchasing carefully. Like automotive antifreeze, you can find either concentrate (needs to be diluted) or pre-mix (do not dilute).

Amazon has concentrate (need to dilute to 40%-50%) so your quantity is doubled. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009D7A1LY/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B009D7A1LY&pd_rd_w=IjX4e&content-id=amzn1.sym.88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_p=88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_r=X6VFN8W5M67R0GK5JF0V&pd_rd_wg=ibNQI&pd_rd_r=ec390ee5-2e54-424e-8612-c4dee458860b&s=automotive&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyMExZUEVRMUNQRFpIJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzk1MTI2Mkw0NkpXMlFNRFUwRiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjU0MjIwMzhJOFpHNkRCSEhDQiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

Good luck with your search.

Odds are, from the age, it is propylene glycol.  Will be in the owners manual or call AH with the model number.  Roger B’s site has a chart, if memory serves correctly. Mjust make sure that you know what you are buying and if it is concentrated (to be diluted 50:50) or premixed at 50:50.  If you have to mix, use only DI water or RO water and not tap or spring or plain old “bottled water”.

Fill to the middle level when COLD…or maybe slightly below.

2 hours ago, Georgia Mike said:

I need the Camco boiler antifreeze in the link I posted. I guess I’m just going to have to pay up.

Probably so.  I was told recently by a “AquaHot” Certified repairman that Camco no longer is distributing this.  It was NOT something that they “made in house”, but had a contract with a subcontractor and it was bottled and labeled using their logo”.  It was the largest selling boiler antifreeze for hydronic heating,

I would call AquaHot and get their list of approved vendors or suppliers.  Check Roger Berke (?) site or John Carrillo’s site.  They are the two best known sources of expertise and parts…..let us know what the are using or selling.  

if you Google it, then follow each link, no one has it in stock or they now say “unavailable”. Amazon has removed th3 page where the Google link takes you….so I am of the opinion, my AH guy knew of what he spoke…

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