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Change username

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Scotty, sorry if you're already working on this but I just changed my email associated with the new site.  I'd like to change my user name to Joel Sheriff or just Joel if using last name is not advisable

Thanks again, this site is great. Alot of work but I hope you all know how much we appreciate it.  

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Chuck, Bob, I changed your display names.

Scotty and I have searched for a setting to allow users that were migrated over from our old group to change their display name.  There is no such setting that we could find to allow users to change their display name subject to moderator approval. 

If folks really want their display name changed to either their first name plus either the initial or full last name send me a message and I'll change it.

As new members joint, one of the questions asked is for the new member to type in a display name.

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On 12/17/2019 at 6:24 PM, Frank McElroy said:

Scotty and I have searched for a setting to allow users that were migrated over from our old group to change their display name. 

Display Name changes are enabled.  You can change your display name once every 30 days.  The PREFERRED Display name is your first name and last initial, or first and last names.

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  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, pwhittle said:

I just tried to change mine from the automatically assigned paul_o_whittle to pwhittle and it said it had been changed in the last 30 days.



Send Scotty a message and he will change it for you. I think you have to be a moderator to change your screen name. He changed mine for me.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/14/2020 at 6:04 AM, pwhittle said:

Thanks Scotty (or other moderator) for making the change to my Username.


I'd love to take credit but it wasn't me...  It can be changed every 30 days, but apparently joining also counts as changing your name. 🤷‍♂️

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