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Before the Rumors Begin

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I wanted to post this since the pres srelease came out today. More importantly I wanted everyone to know I am not going anywhere.

I will continue to participate in this forum, take phone calls and answer e-mails from members who have questions. It just may take a little longer for me to respond. I also will continue to attend rally's.

I have been working towards this goal and I am not getting any younger so with the staff we have now the Getting was Good to fly the coop.

I just wanted to dispel any rumors that I was packing up and heading off into the wild blue yonder never to be heard from again.

God Bless & Merry Christmas everyone 🙂

Press Release:

https://rv-pro.com/news/throgmartin-holdings-president-retire-jan-1?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20191223 RVP ENEWS (1)&utm_content=&spMailingID=22624233&spUserID=NjE3MjYxMTUxOTYzS0&spJobID=1641601232&spReportId=MTY0MTYwMTIzMgS2



Chris D 42 2017 - 2.JPG

Edited by throgmartin
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Chris, I want to thank you so much for all you've done for the RVing community.  Your knowledge and support has been invaluable and we look forward to seeing you again at the rallies.  Congratulations and you certainly deserve to spend more time doing what you want.

Patricia Neuzil

06 Monaco Diplomat

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Congrats Chris, should we start a pool as to how long it takes to go beyond your hobbies.  Enjoy the next stage of life and always remember, you are in charge of your life, no one else. Live life to its fullest.  Best regards, Joel

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Jerry, the D-42 is a twin diesel. Cruises at 175 at 60 % power. Ceiling of 18,000 ft. It climbs out at around 1,500 fpm. It is a very docile aircraft and handles real well. The hardest part for me was learning the avionics. It is more advanced then some airliners. I admit the work load was busy in the cockpit. I am going to log more time next year in it. I had no problem adjusting  to the stick controls as I have flown other stick aircraft.

I am too old to build time so I just log hours in unusual aircraft ( Tiger Moths, etc. ). 2020 will bring more variety as I am going to log some time in a T-6 Texan and I have some sim time scheduled in a 737 NG.  Next on the list will be a WACO and more time in the D-42. In other words, I will fly anything with wings and an engine.  I fly for the fun, excitement and freedom of the skies. I must be doing something right up there as I haven't killed myself yet.   🙂 

D-42 Avionics.jpg

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