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Posts posted by mrktrain

  1. I'm not quite sure about the correct terminology but I'm attempting to convert my 2 forced air heaters to wireless operation but the on line operational descriptions don't seem to provide a solution. Last summer we replaced both A/H-Heat Pump units with a A/C only units rendering the old dual zone Comfort Control thermostat non-functional. Heater control was lost.

    Last winter, a basic Dometic thermostat (2) was hard wired to each furnace.  Due to the limited mounting locations, this isn't very satisfactory for heat balance so I'm looking for a wireless system that will allow me to locate 2 thermostats. fore and aft locations, for better temperature control.  While many "wireless" thermostats are available, the "wireless" part seems to be only between the operator and the thermostat, not between the thermostat and the furnace.  Hardwiring the furnace and thermostat isn't an option. 

    Solutions welcomed.


    Ken Smedley


  2. We fought sewer smell for several years on our new to us 06 Monaco Dip. Replaced air admittance valves twice with little success. Finally found roof vent pipe extended too high above roof and original rain cap effectively sealed it. Trimmed pipe and installed 360 venturi cap. Big improvement, but only issue. 

    When replacing the water heater I discovered the ABS pipe on the top of the black tank had a hairline crack a the junction of tank/pipe. A little more improvement. 

    I'm going to look at the mechanical air admittance valves and a different roof vent valve. 

  3. I recently started loosing air pressure after parking for overnight. At first it was slow, a few psi overnight, but now it's "zero" the next morning. I've also noticed it takes longer for the air charge to build up to drive pressure when first start up. It also stops building at about 90psi unless I increase engine idle speed. I suspect it's a PPV but I don't know how many or where they are located. Once I locate it/them, just check with a soap and water mix? Can they be rebuilt or are they throw away items? 


    2006 Diplomat

  4. When I added XM to my 06 Dip, the installer said a magnetic "beetle" antenna would avoid drilling holes. He stuck it on the metal framework in the front cap. It works fine unless I'm parked or traveling in a Northerly direction, then I loose the signal. 

    My solution is a trucker antenna mounted on top or on the side of the front cap. I'm not sure if I'll run the lead down the right or left pillar. 

  5. My spray nozzle quit working on my 06 Dip. I found it on top of the black tank from the access panel on the curb side, it was glued in place. I prayed it out and the jets were plugged solid. Lesson: use the spray every time you dump. I  out the jets slightly laeger, used silicone sealant and no more problems. 

  6. I replaced all 4 slide toppers on our 2006 Monaco Dip with ones from Stone Voss a few years ago. I've noticed that water pools in the center of a couple of them and I'm wondering if there are any tension parameters to check for. 

    I've also been trying to track down a leak in the outside wall of the road bedroom slide. I wonder if it might be related to the pooling? 

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