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Everything posted by RonCindy

  1. Thank you Jim and Bryan for the coupling and elbow suggestions. I may go with one of those depending if I can get it in this tight space. I plan on evaluating this problem again today plus check to see if I can move the pipe that goes into the gray tank, it has a couple of pipe clamps on it where it goes into the gray tank. RonCindy, 03 Dynasty
  2. Thank you to all who have replied with their tips and suggestions, it is much appreciated. Thankfully this cracked pipe is not in the kitchen slide. Our 2003 Dynasty Chancellor model has only 2 slides, both on driver's side with the kitchen slide being the shorter depth 18 inch one. This cracked pipe is directly above the wet bay (where the kitchen pipe exits the shower floor then the pipe travels directly into the gray tank) therefore no slide movement to cause this break. This broken pipe is stationary (but obviously has some stress from something). Thank you for researching my unit for that common kitchen slide pipe break issue. I still haven't decided how I'm going to repair this pipe. We are using the bathroom sinks to dispose kitchen water, that buys me some time to decide on the best, less intrusive repair. Once I get it fixed, I'll post how I did it. I have tools and I have repaired many things on this coach (full-timing in it since 2012). I have used the JB Weld product for several successful repairs which is why that solution was my first thought. However being concerned that the repair might not last due to any pipe stress, it leads me to consider a more permanent fix. We'll see. Thank you again to all who have responded with your ideas and thank you to other Monaco owners who may have a suggestion or tip for repair. Also, thanks for the "good luck" wishes. I'll need all I can get on this one. RonCindy, 2003 Dynasty Chancellor
  3. Thank you for validating that solution. I suspect I may go with that plan unless anyone else here posts with a better, less work intensive process. RonCindy 03 Dynasty
  4. Thank you to all who have replied with suggestions. I suspect the reason for the cracked pipe is inaccurate alignment however the pipe did last for 21 years. My issue for this repair will be getting access to this pipe for any cutting, trimming and refitting. I can barely get my fingers within that space to do any work. I am considering removing that broken pipe section by access under the shower, re-piping it with flexible pipe through the floor to emerge back out in the waste tank bay. I will still have the problem of little space in which to work (both in the wet bay and under the shower). Yep, I need luck for this "fun" project. Thank you again for all suggestions, tips and any responses from others who may have had similar repair experiences. RonCindy, 2003 Dynasty
  5. Thank you for your suggestion, I will certainly take it under consideration. I had considered the JB Weld product ( for plastic pipes) but since the crack seemed a bit too wide I decided against it.
  6. Thank you in advance for your suggestions, tips or experience with this gray tank cracked pipe repair. 2003 Dynasty The kitchen sink drain pipe exiting the ceiling of the waste tank bay has cracked where the elbow curves exiting the floor. See photos below. Space access for repairing this pipe is very limited as you can see. I removed the top panel cover in the wet bay to expose this cracked pipe. I estimate there is approximately 3 inches from the cracked elbow of the pipe (once the foam insulation is removed) to the ceiling where the pipe disappears up into the floor. I can see this pipe come through the floor under the shower stall. I do have access to this pipe although space in which to work is very limited and small. What would you do? How would you repair this? I am handy, have tools and time. Your expertise is appreciated. RonCindy Monaco Dynasty 2003
  7. We have just noticed our living room side (with kitchen sink and couch) has a small gap at the top corner when out. We've pulled the slide in repeatedly to see if it would self-correct (of course at ride height, air bag suspension only). The slide fits correctly in the other corners, no gaps. It goes in and out without any drag. The slide lock covers have been periodically removed, slide cables cleaned and lubed. We know there is no floor rot or other water issue. Also, there is nothing wedged to prevent the correct seal. We haven't checked the hydraulic reservoir under the stairwell yet but will. Of course we're leaving Florida next week so a visit to Talen RV or Lazy Daze in Wildwood is out. Due to the complicated nature of the slide adjustment, we wouldn't want to tackle this job unless we had exact knowledge. In case this issue gets worse or there becomes an urgent need, is there any repair facility you have found north of Florida and east of the Mississippi that you would feel comfortable taking this slide adjustment issue?
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