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Jenny Woods

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Everything posted by Jenny Woods

  1. I think it will need to be welded on at opening? Do you know a muffler person in Florida?
  2. Sorry what do you mean use the electric unit you fabricate a new one? Do you mean use the old pipe that fell off to fabricate a new one? I am not a welder nor mechanic 🥹 but could use the advice to head me in the right direction. Thank you Ivy Thanks David for posting the downloads that will be helpful for many things! Also I’ll look in the area for a muffler company that could accommodate my rig!
  3. Hello all! So I drove my 2006 Monaco Executive down to Ocala Florida and in the way I noticed a pipe loose, I bungeed it till my destination and then it completely fell off. I need to get it fixed before I run my aqua hot and have a carbon monoxide issue. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance your all so helpful!
  4. Thank you! I will get a plug for the end of the hose and see what happens!
  5. When I can’t attach water hose and want to use the water in the holding tank, I turn the pump on and I see water coming out of the water line but very little out of the taps. If I do it it is going to drain my tank outside. Any ideas? Thank you all!
  6. Thank you Ivan!! Very helpful, I don’t want to get ripped off since it is likely being a woman! No mechanic recommendations?
  7. Hi there my Monaco 2006 has a leak in the airbag and I need a recommendation for a good mechanic in Florida near Wildwood FL. I was told my a truck mechanic in Canada that I need a 3000 part. Want a second opinion 😊 Also I have an aqua hot 110 that doesn’t work and would like that fixed! The diesel aqua hot works fine. Help please Jenny
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