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Everything posted by rpblush

  1. Hi Monacoers Friends: This is an update to our Ramblin' Pushers message of a couple of weeks ago. For the 2022 Maintenance Session in Goshen, Indiana, anyone (except First Timers) registered to attend may invite a guest. The guest sponsor does not have to be a Ramblin' Pushers member. The guest may have any brand diesel pusher or Super-C diesel. There will be a limit on the number of sponsored guests, so I suggest you register your friends soon. Processing will begin September 1, 2021. Go to www.ramblinpushers.org for the registration form. Stay safe out there where it seems there are so many lunatic drivers these days! Ray Blush, President, Ramblin' Pushers
  2. The Super-C is the large Class C with front engine diesel.
  3. I know many of the Monacoers group have attended the annual Ramblin' Pusher Maintenance Session (MS) before, and there is now a new opportunity for your friends with motor home brands that do not meet registration requirements. For MS2022, registered Ramblin' Pusher members may invite a guest, regardless of the guest's diesel pusher or Super-C brand. The sponsored guest may download the registration form from www.ramblinpushers.org, complete it, include the name of the person sponsoring, and mail it in. I suggest it be done quickly before the spots fill up. Ray Blush, President, Ramblin' Pushers
  4. I replaced my slide, main and door awnings with Stone Vos products 5 or 6 years ago and they all still look like new. I have recommended Mr. Throgmartin and his company to many RVers over the past 15 years and have not had a single complaint.
  5. Yes, Ch 419 Ramblin' Pushers had to cancel MS2021 due to not only Indiana State and Eklhart County extremely limited attendance restrictions, but also out of concern for the safety of all attendees. We are very sad about our decision, but it was the right one considering the circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are full throttle in planning for MS2022 and more information can be obtained on our website www.ramblinpushers.org. I hope to see many of you then! Ray Blush, president, Ramblin' Pushers
  6. You will be totally satisfied with the fabric and customer service you'll get from Stone Vos. Contact Chris Throgmartin at 352-942-2653. Ray Blush
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