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Gold Heat aquired by ELWELL

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FYI: For anyone with Gold Heat heated floors in their coach, got this notice today. 

I've worked with the Gold Heat staff in the past to get drawings for the floor heat in my 09.   Very responsive and helpful. Hopefully this great customer support continues.


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To Our Valued Customers:

As previously announced, Elwell Corp has acquired Gold Heat in a sale that closes on December 31, 2023. Elwell Corp will continue to provide the high level of support and quality radiant floor heat products that you have received from Aries Engineering/Gold Heat for many years. The lead time, supply, service and support will be unchanged. Below is the information and how it affects your orders going forward. 

  • If Elwell Corp is not a current vendor in your system, please contact 
    Sales@elwellcorp.com to begin the process. 
  • Between now and the end of the year nothing changes. Continue to place your purchase orders as you always have and add cc: sales@elwellcorp.com.
  • For orders with a requested delivery date on or after January 8, 2024, place your orders with Elwell Corporation.
  • Our existing phone numbers for sales and service will be transferred to Elwell Corp and will remain active indefinitely.
  • Our existing email addresses sales@goldheat.com, design@goldheat.com, and admin1@goldheat.com will remain active into the first quarter of 2024. In early 2024 you will receive updated elwellcorp.com email addresses for these departments.
  • Pricing structure and part numbers will remain unchanged.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at sales@elwellcorp.com or call us at (360) 608-0916.

Best Regards,


Ken Elwell, President                                                      Ken Millard, President

Elwell Corporation                                                           Aries Engineering/Gold Heat

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