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Need part number for rear axel hub 1997 Signature

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Shop was installing new brake rotors on rear axle.  When removing seal, hub separated tone ring from hub.  Shop says it is supposed to be a permanent press fit and needs new hub.  

Does anyone have the part number for the hub?  Model and serial numbers from the Rockwell (Meritor) axle tags is not helping so far.

press fit.jpeg

Rear axel hub.jpeg

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I only have a pic of my rear hub and it says HR250. But when I called Meritor, they only needed a 'Customer number' from the tag and couple minutes later I got what I needed. Try that, not sure if ours are exactly same.



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Update: Directly reaching Meritor was very helpful. They took the 14 digit serial number on the axel and matched it. Meritor part is out of production but they gave the Gunite replacement (HR850K). They also provided seal and bearing numbers. Then the truck shop cleaned up the old hub and found a model number and serial number tag on it. The parts supplier is now making progress on finding the parts.
Thanks everyone for your help. You provided great ideas and support!
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