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Carefree of Colorado Patio Awning SP 1726 Service Manual

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Hi Friends!  I’m working on my Carefree of Colorado Patio Awning - Model SP 1726.  This is the 12 volt - One Touch system.  It’s on my 2002 Windsor. I searched the Forum for a Service Manual. No joy. Does anyone have a manual?

My latest specific problem is that I did a dumb thing. I placed the right side of the awning arm (side with motor) in carport mode. This caused the strap that raises and lowers the awning to loosen and I can’t retract the awning.  You can see the loosened strap in the attached picture. 

Has anyone repaired this type of issue?  

Also, I did contact Tech Support at Carefree.  He didn’t have any information to help me.  

As always, my thanks for your time!



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When I bought our 2001 Diplomat in 2012 the strap on the rear arm was broken. Even at that time no luck in finding a strap. I was able to buy correct strapping, had my wife sew 2 and replaced both. Front and rear straps follow same route in arms so put rear on first then front. Being 12 years ago I can't remember how it was routed but you should be able to see the rear when fully extended and replicate. Memory not so good anymore but motor turns the tube so I think the rear would close up evenly when someone ran the switch and other person helped push the rear arm. Sorry can't be more help but wish you luck. Don

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I have three different manuals/guides but I don't think they show how the strap is attached or routed.   Best beat would be to look at the other side.  I know that there is a clamping type block on the strapping that is used to adjust tension, you take it apart with allen wrench and pull the strapping tight and then tighten the block back.  I've had to adjust mine a couple times. 

From your photo it looks like the block may have let the strapping slip through.  Loosen the block and then you will have to physically push the awning out until strap tightens and then tighten the block back.



We've had our coach for 15 years, the very first long trip we took we were parked at the Perry Fairgrounds and I was drinking coffee in the AM at the table and a big gust of wind came and the awning billowed, slapped back down and it wouldn't close, it bent one of the arms.  Spend a day with large C-clamps and blocking and metal angle straightening it out.  Got it to work but have to keep it well lubricated. 

As a result we seldom use and never leave out if we are not there especially in any type of wind.   

I had a continual problem with the awning not wanting to open/close with the switch.  There is a small bayonet twist lock connector on the side of my coach that supplied power to the motor.  This is a water tight connector.   I could take it apart, clean it a little and put it back and within  a short time it would act up again.  Care Free of Colorado did not sell new ones, I asked what they did and they said they hard wire the awning and just seal the cable with caulk.  So I removed the connector and drilled out the guts large enough to be able to feed wire but connectors through it.  I had to improvise the a compression type seal on the outer portion.  Did this ~9 years ago and have not had another problem with the switch not working.



Carefree patio awning one touch.pdf Carefree-One-Touch-Troubleshooting-Guide.pdf One Touch Awning.pdf

Edited by jacwjames
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Success!  Thanks to everyone for offering me the information and support I needed to ‘repair’ my awning!  I removed the housing on the forward awning arm that has the drive motor. I found the pulley and the strap guide (both made of plastic) wedged together. The pulley was inside the strap guide. I pulled them apart, straightened the strap guide as much as the mangled plastic would allow, and put it back together. And, it’s working! 

Phillip - I don’t need the motor day, but I will note your offer. Mine could fail at any time. 
Don - thanks for letting me know how to create some new strapping if needed. 
Jim - Thanks for the manuals and the advice. My straps are tight and I realized that I don’t have any C-Clamps on board.  Need to purchase some for my next repair adventure!


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