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2003 Windsor 34 PST, interior DC pwr

Dan B.

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2003 Windsor 34 PST

Issue: Several DC lights and fixtures not receiving power.

Symptoms: interior house lights, water pump, dc indicator on electrical panel, radio, house exterior  welcome light all inoperable.

What works: seats, electric shades, jacks, overhead map lights, all systems needed to start, operate and drive MH.

I suspect the interior “Battery Cut Off” and have tested it the best I know how.

Can anyone tell me where that switch gets its power? I have found no blown fuses.

I have recycled both house and chassis cut offs with AC connected and disconnected.

Any ideas?




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The battery cut off may be the same as what I have and call a salesman switch. 

In the passenger side rear electrical bay I have white rogers solenoid, looks like this. https://www.amazon.com/RODGERS-120-901-CONTACTOR-SPST-NO-BRACKET/dp/B00DECQXFM

If it is working you would have 12 volts on both posts.  You can bypass it by simply putting all large cables on one post.



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