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2001 Dynasty- Erratic lights & motors failures. Relays?

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is it possible i have some bad relays?  my reading lights and powerscreen motors will work for a while after i turn off the battery connect, but may quit again in a day or sometimes a week and then quit again.  it is driving me crazy trying to figure this out.

Posted (edited)

Do you have a system like Intellitec that controls your lights and some other systems (a multiplex system). If so the people to talk to are M&M electronics. They helped us when our multiplex control board went bad. Search on the bord for M&M electronics. 



Moderator EDIT.

For clarification and to prevent further confusion or misinformation, there are two Intellitec MPX (Multiplex) systems.  Neither was used prior to 2006.  

The 2006 Dynasty has the “full fledged” MPX system with a CPU (central processing unit) or “computer”.  Functions that required “logic” such as certain conditions or switches being closed, required this level of logic.  This is the most complex one.

Your Camelot has a hybrid or low end MPX.  It does not have a CPU, but a “small clock”.  The IPX regulates or allows the various switches or functions on your lighted keypads to work.

There is a variety of output modules that switch or control many circuits.  The hybrid system in the Camelot/Scepter has 3.  The 2006 Dynasy has at least 5 plus some other Intellitec components.


Edited by Tom Cherry
Clarification and also to prevent confusion
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I don't know why there would be a relay in those circuits.  If you have a wiring diagram, you could find out.

If the issue is a relay, try cleaning the terminals.  I occasionally have a slideout that won't move and the fix is to pull the relay out and re-insert it several times to clean the contacts.


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  • Tom Cherry changed the title to 2001 Dynasty- Erratic lights & motors failures. Relays?
11 hours ago, JohnC3 said:

Do you have a system like Intellitec that controls your lights and some other systems (a multiplex system). If so the people to talk to are M&M electronics. They helped us when our multiplex control board went bad. Search on the bord for M&M electronics. 



10 hours ago, Dwight Lindsey said:


I don't know why there would be a relay in those circuits.  If you have a wiring diagram, you could find out.

If the issue is a relay, try cleaning the terminals.  I occasionally have a slideout that won't move and the fix is to pull the relay out and re-insert it several times to clean the contacts.



It is suggested that you read the owner’s manual and then start looking at the prints, which i believe are in the back, or download them from our files.  There are a number of reasons why these devices could have an intermittent failure.  However, you do not have a more complicated or sophisticated MPX.

Start with the power source for each circuit that controls the device. A fuse can be loose in a terminal.  There may be a “resetting” circuit breaker (it gets hot due to too high or excessive current and then opens….no current flowing….cools off and closes). Monaco used, typically, a Bosch style 87/87A 5 pin relay.  These can and have failed.  The “trick” is to find the same relay….in a different circuit, and swap the relay with a relay that is involved with the device giving an issue.  If the problem persists….not the relay.  These relays are sealed, as in the contacts are not serviceable.  Yes, coils fail. Yes, contacts get pitted.  Most folks have a few spare ones and will swap them when something goes awry.

Past the above, one of the most common things, assuming you verify all the connections on the power in the control circuit is a faulty ground.  If the devices share a ground citcuit, then that is a possibility.  The MH is not like a residence.  Some smart, or supposedly smart scientists, once auipped that driving the MH was like having your house on a permanent earthquake measuring 4.5 or so.  

If you could also be more specific about the issues and such, it would help.  Don’t understand how turning off power would allow the device to continue to work afterwards.

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