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RV Merry Christmas

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Twas the Night before Christmas, when all through the park, quiet hours dictated even dogs shouldn’t bark.
The stockings were hung on the slide out with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were restless and wiggly in their bunk, until I yelled “Be still or Christmas is sunk”
Mom in her Christmas jammies and I in my suit, had just fell asleep tired out and kaput
When out on the gravel there arose such a clatter, I tumbled over mom to see what was the matter.
Was it a new neighbor or just a giant racoon? This late arriver flew in without plane nor balloon.
No diesel pusher, nor skoolie, nor gas; this guy was unorthodox and travelled en masse.
He drove his ultralight barely room for his stuff, with his load quite unstable, he wasn’t looking too buff.
All the campers around him peered out through their blinds, this sleigh and reindeer nearly made them lose their minds.
No need for a pull through nor hook-ups at all, this guy was in a hurry to bring joy with a doll.
More rapid than campground billing, his team he could enflame, they listened to him ‘cause he called each one by name.
“Now, Monaco ! Now, Beaver! Now, Thor and Jayco!  On Airstream! On Tiff! On Winnie and Pal-o!”
“To the peak of that A-frame, to the dome of this rig. Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away jig!”
So, up to the roof top of course they flew, with a satchel full of treats and Santa Claus too!
Fearing the load this furry group had created, Magic alone kept the roof unperforated.
Down through the bath fan Santa came with a bound; dressed for the hunt, he was Christmas Camo gowned.
No time for chit chat he had things to do. To torture the neighbors, he started by leaving a kazoo.
Not sure how he did it with his magic of lore, the whole living space was filled, gifts ceiling to floor.
It doesn’t take much to fill up 200 square feet, but he managed to jam in four TVs, and a pound of dried meat;
A propane fire pit, bike lights and a hammock chair too; St. Nick left nothing out, even single ply for our poo.
Just as fast as he’d come he was gone with some speed, His job now complete he was done with this deed.
But I heard him exclaim in his thick Texas drawl, “Merry Christmas to you, and safe travels to y’all!”
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