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Looking for a good technician to finish what another has not, my coach has been at a facility for 3.5 years. Yes 3.5 years. I took it to this place to complete a few repairs and then figured as it was winter I would update items. Well they run a bad practice/business and here I am with again 3.5 years of this being there and not yet 100% completed. Even hired an attorney but it seams nothing works for the customer in Indiana. especially in the justice system, as they do not want to deal with it. 

So looking for some help.

Thank you



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Do not go to or use https://mastertechrv.com/ .... Owner will screw you in over pricing besides under delivering. My coach has been there for 3 in a half years. From the start it was 5 items I could not get done and he stated they could, get it done. Well it was November 2020 when I dropped it off and I thought well, why not give them other items to complete in updating my 2005 Monaco Dynasty. So, I made the list and they proceeded to do so. Then I had to ask for invoicing as I didn’t want this huge at the end invoice. Being a Contractor and in completing large projects you invoice the 25th of every month for materials and labor that are completed with large projects that take longer. Well that never happened and I eventually they did get some invoices. The tactics they use are get you in the door, start on your coach and then pull off and work on other coaches they pull in, smaller projects basically. Then the other item they can’t pay venders they use for parts that they need to work on your coach is the other reason for pulling off and working on others. I found that out by contacting those venders. Since I’ve had my coach there they have lost so many employees based on they are tired of all the disappointed customers. I have no idea how they even are still in business, sometime they haven’t even been able to make payroll employees have stated. I’m a business man and I run a very successful business. I’ve never run into such a disorganized operation. I’ve hired an attorney and the justice system for the customer is a complete failure. They don’t want to get invoice and just want you to work it out amongst each other, The courts according to my attorney they didn’t even look at the length of time my property has been there and that they were served in August of last year. This operation Master Tech is familiar and no this so they do what they do according to my attorney.

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On 5/16/2024 at 9:11 AM, dmarty@chorus.net said:

Do not go to or use https://mastertechrv.com/ .... Owner will screw you in over pricing besides under delivering. My coach has been there for 3 in a half years. From the start it was 5 items I could not get done and he stated they could, get it done. Well it was November 2020 when I dropped it off and I thought well, why not give them other items to complete in updating my 2005 Monaco Dynasty. So, I made the list and they proceeded to do so. Then I had to ask for invoicing as I didn’t want this huge at the end invoice. Being a Contractor and in completing large projects you invoice the 25th of every month for materials and labor that are completed with large projects that take longer. Well that never happened and I eventually they did get some invoices. The tactics they use are to get you in the door, start on your coach and then pull off and work on other coaches they pull in, smaller projects basically. Then the other item is they can’t pay venders they use for parts that they need to work on your coach is the other reason for pulling off and working on others. I found that out by contacting those venders. Since I’ve had my coach there they have lost so many employees based on they are tired of all the disappointed customers. I have no idea how they even are still in business, sometimes they haven’t even been able to make payroll the employees have stated. I’m a business man and I run a very successful business. I’ve never run into such a disorganized operation..... I’ve hired an attorney and the justice system for the customer is a complete failure in Indiana. They don’t want to get involved and just want you to work it out amongst each other, The courts system / judge,  according to my attorney didn’t even look at the length of time my property has been there and that they were even served in August of last year 2023. This operation Master Techs ( Owner ) is familiar with and knows how this works so they do what they do according to my attorney and get away with it. The justice system / laws in Indiana don't work for the customer period..... They've even takin money from employees for health insurance, then that employee finds they don't have health insurance. They need to be reported to the work force department of Indiana and the IRS.


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google ratings motor home repairs elkhart in


Look at the screen shot below….that is what popped up.

from there, you can click on each one….read the reviews, including dates.  Note the rating stars and number.

I did see similar information on one shop previously mentioned with “a critique’.  The Google ratings were 2 stars or so and comments were not “good”.

As a Moderator, it is a tightrope for a question like yours.  I used a search technique that i frequently use to get supposedly current and valid information….not PERSONAL experience.  Likewise, I found certain information that supported a previous post.

THAT is my “weasel” text.  Real world, if interested, example….There are ways if you persevere….to get information.  You have to decide.  

I once was a Trustee on our church board.  A roofer came by and guaranteed us a new roof….he said he was a “door knocker” and he knew there had been a hail storm.  His free inspection report for our insurance carrier said total tearoff and replacement.  He had asked what our deductible was.  He knew our “carrier” and their claims adjusters.  He said, our out of pocket would be ZERO….as he marked up the costs…so we would get a check, less the deductible….and that was all he would charge,

FB SITE or Page had hundreds of glowing reviews….interesting each one said, didn’t cost me a dime.  A few Google & Yelp had comments about quality and responsiveness to followup issues….some major.

but a deep dive….had filed for bankruptcy in several states after court ordered repairs or damage awards…

The board was totally mesmerized.  Accepted contract….no other bidding was done.  A few years passes….he’s GONE…no promised lifetime warranty.  Found him with another company.  His partner has a “granny” that got a GC (general contractor’s) license.  They now get priority bidding on state contacts…minority owned, as in a female…

SO….google.  READ….find other sites that have information.  But, common sense says….folks with quick and glowing ratings but are almost copy and paste might not be realistic.  I always look for old time businesses…and then check out the current owner or manager and make sure that the folks that were loved …..10 or so years ago …. are still running the place…

SO. The ones I found look good…the other place…not SO.  But this is all cursory….and just understand how social media can be manipulated…

If you find a great shop…let us know…and post a followup…


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