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COLUMBUS, Ind. – Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) today (Oct. 14) announced that it will bring to market a 15-liter natural gas engine for heavy-duty trucks. The 15-liter natural gas engine is an important part of Cummins strategy for its path to zero emissions to go further, faster to reduce the greenhouse gas and air quality impacts of its products in a way that is best for its customers and all stakeholders, according to a release.

The strategy focuses on new powertrains including advanced diesel, natural gas, hydrogen engines, hybrids, battery electric, and fuel cells along with an increased use of low carbon fuels and renewable electricity and related infrastructure. The expanding product lineup will help achieve Cummins’ PLANET 2050 environmental goals which include lowering emissions from newly sold products by 30% by 2030 and a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, aligned with the Paris Climate Accord targets.

“Cummins continues to expand our portfolio of power solutions options so customers can meet their business goals and operational objectives, while also meeting emissions standards and achieving their sustainability goals,” said Srikanth Padmanabhan, President, Engine Business, Cummins. “We believe this natural gas option is a game changer as a cost-competitive power option to existing diesel powertrains in heavy-duty trucking, making it a great complement to reduce CO2 emissions. The launch of our universal 15-liter platform for heavy-duty ensures a full range of natural gas powertrains that are available to meet the emission reduction goals of all customers and end markets. Equally exciting is that this engine is also the basis for the recently announced hydrogen internal combustion engine currently being tested that we are developing. Cummins continues to broaden our range of power solutions to help our customers succeed and help them transition seamlessly to the cleanest and most efficient options.”

The 15-liter natural gas engine can be paired with a Cummins Eaton Automated Transmission Technologies Endurant HD Transmission and Cummins Fuel Delivery System, ensuring a purpose-built and fully integrated natural gas powertrain. Other transmission pairings will be available at launch for specialized applications. The 15-liter engine will offer ratings up to 500hp and 1,850 ft-lbs of torque and is expected to weigh 500 lbs less than comparable 15-liter diesel engines currently available on the market while not requiring Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) to meet 2024 California or Environmental Protection Agency emission standards.

“Cummins is committed to providing customers the right powertrain for their application,” said Brett Merritt, Vice-President, On-Highway Engine Business, Cummins. “We are bringing this to our customers who have been asking for a natural gas option for long-haul trucking and we are bringing them a very cost-effective and efficient option. This engine will not only deliver the excellent performance characteristics that customers expect from Cummins, but also a compelling total cost of ownership experience, coupled with a potential carbon-negative powertrain option when powered with renewable natural gas.”

“Initial interest in the 15-liter Natural gas powertrain has far exceeded our expectations,” said Puneet S. Jhawar, General Manager, Natural Gas, Cummins Inc. “Heavy duty customers are excited about a new pathway to lower their fleet emissions at a competitive cost with a mature, proven technology.”

When powered with renewable natural gas (RNG), using methane collected from organic waste as the primary fuel source, the system can be credited with a neutral to negative carbon index, resulting in net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at or below zero.

For the first time last year, the energy weighted carbon intensity (CI) value of California’s natural gas vehicle fuel portfolio in the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program was below zero—at -0.85 gCO2e/MJ.

Chuck B 2004 Windsor with a Cummins Diesel engine

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One has to wonder how Cummins is able to even come up with a strategy in North America considering that energy policy in this country appears to be formulated by aging hippies suffering from the affects of long term LSD use. I am not aware of any natural gas project which has survived court challenges in this country in the last several years. Despite natural gas being the cleanest intermediate option during the next 20 years until technology has a chance to catch up with the demands of fools.  Perhaps we could fit our RVs with large three masted sails? I'm only surprised that some DC apparatchik hasn't suggested it.

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I forgot about the Jordan Cove natural gas pipeline project right here in Oregon. After 10 years of legal litigation in both state and Fed courts Jordan Cove obtained a permit only to have it revoked within 10 days by the new administration. They were invited to spend another 10 years in court if they didn't like it. Natural gas is burned off at the well site in North America and Mexico because there is limited pipeline capacity. Jordan Cove is now looking at transporting LNG using bunker oil fired tankers.

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Once the gov gets involved all logic has left the building.  Even if Cummins pulls it off, how long for the truck stops to offer the natural gas?  Can't use pipelines.  New wells will cost too much to install.  Not sure if it's true or not, but I heard the saviors of the Earth in this administration are only granting 5 year leases for new drilling.  Who in their right mind would sign a 5 year lease on a well?  There is plenty of natural gas, it's safe to get it and it burns pretty clean.  My money is on the gov creating such a PITA to drill that it will be cheaper to import from our "buddies" in the middle east, or Russia.  I'd also wager that Cummins is hoping for gov incentives for this type of power, natural gas vs diesel.

Woody Miller

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