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email digest

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I have choosen to recieved a single email daily digest of the various forums that I have selected to follow (which is all of them at this point).  As others have noted, the email digest we get contains new topics for the day.  It also shows how many replies have occurred to that topic.  However, from the email digest, we don't see those replies nor can we access those replies from the email.  Instead, the best I have found is that I can click on the topic header in my email which sends me to the monacoers.org site.  From there I can now read the replies.  There are two questions I have:

1.  If a reply is made to a topic created in the past, will the email digest somehow let me know that new replies exists that I should take a look at?  This does not seem to be happening.  Am I missing some setting?

2.  I preferred the old digest format where all replies are included.  Is there anything that I can do to get this included in my email digest?


steveg 2005 dynasty

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The closest thing to reading an "email digest" (note I stated reading versus receiving) is to go to the main Monacoers Home screen and click on "unread content" located on the right side near the top just under the white banner. There are two choices located there, "unread content" and "mark site read".

When you click on Unread Content, it will bring up a screen that lists everything that you have not view/read, not the entire content of each one but sort of like a Header listing. Then in the white banner you can choose a variety of "filters" to  sort out and select the stuff that you would be interested in. Or you can go down through the list and click on only the ones you want to read.

There is also a selection labeled "mark site read" where it will mark ALL content on the site as being read which removes that content from  coming up on your "digest" the next time.

Hope this helps you and others in getting used to our New Home.

Edited by Dr4Film
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In a similar discussion on automatic email alerts, Scotty already contacted the platform software developer and as of right now, the ability to automatically follow and get alerts on all posts does not currently exist.  Scotty did request that it be added as a new feature in a future release.  They are adding it to the list, but they don’t have a timeline when it will come. 

As with any new platform, there are other work process options.  Personally, I put an icon on my smartphone with an automatic login so in one click I'm on the site and I can either see by a black dot on the left hand margin whats new since I last viewed.  I can also look at anything unread, by clicking on the unread icon.  Although I am getting email alerts, quite frankly I'm finding it a whole lot easier just to look at new content directly on the website.  And no pop-up ads!

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One of the nice features when using the unread icon is the ability to select what you want to see. 

If you use the settings for all content type and following everything, you will get to see all discussion posted, any new files, any new calendar updates and any new pictures posted.  Give it a try.  I find this feature very helpful in quickly finding all new content. 

If you want to see what has happened each day this is the icon to click on.

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Ok Frank,I'll unfollow everything I followed as it doesn't work as advertised.  I'll give the unread icon a go.  As it won't push content, I'll try to remember to log on every few weeks as I do iRV2.  Thanks to all for the attempts at keeping the site and interest going.  Logging in today it was interesting to see sooooo much content and new topics that never got published/pushed via the subscription/following model settings.  Maybe the high level "follow" option for the digest should removed so as to not give false direction to the users as it definitely does not work as advertised.

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5 minutes ago, ekgflashnet said:

To create/edit this post, on the web site, I went to the new site discussion forum.  I then selected the button to create a new topic.  Is this what you were asking?

I already have a post up,that I want to edit. How do I do that ?

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