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Mike H

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Everything posted by Mike H

  1. Generous amounts of Dawn dish washing liquid will cut through it and let it soak. There's also a spray foam you can get for cleaning engines that works well .... a brain fart made me forget the name of it 😞
  2. Mine had already been converted but when I needed a replacement I found these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07N86919J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 . The only thing I needed to do was use my Dremel and trim off about 1/8" from the pins so they would fit in the housing.
  3. One thing you need to really check into on these systems is how they are put together and what type of hoses they use and what type of media they are using. During Jim's presentation at the Gathering he mentioned that he strictly uses SS bellowed hoses because any of the other types that are pre-charged will eventually bleed off pressure over time and you might not know it. The media he uses is like a soap based solution that can be easily cleaned up afterwards and is mixed with Dionized water so it can be used on an electrical fire (think near your inverter) as well as other types. His systems, other than the small hand held units have gages so you can check on their condition. Those pre-charged 'ropes' that you are now seeing advertised provide no way of knowing whether or not they are still functional over time. You can check his web site at: www.fireproducts.com .
  4. I have the FireFight Systems in both the generator and engine bays and plan on installing two more smaller units in the bays with the inverter and Aqua-Hot. The SS straps they provide now for mounting them leave a little room for improvement. When mounting the one vertical in the generator compartment I needed to provide a support for it so it wouldn't vibrate down out of the mounting strap. A simple right angle Simpson clip would suffice. I happened to have access to a small fire extinguisher mount that I was able to later adapt to my application. The engine compartment has two spray heads, one near the turbo charger and the other over the engine, as show in the photos. They're not cheap but worth it to protect our lives and investment. I was fortunate in that the Tyron Bands we already installed in our coach when we purchased it. I worked 35 years in manned space flight and safety was beat into us, on a daily basis, until it became a way of life. We were required to present a safety message prior to starting ANY sort of meeting or design review. There are no short cuts! Be safe everyone and stay Healthy.
  5. At any tire store they will charge you a disposal fee and say they can't sell them because of liability issues but I'll bet one of the mechanics will 'dispose' them for cash. Check with some local trucking or construction companies. I sold my 6 Bridgestone 295's for $700 to a trucker through a friend and gave him $70 for selling them for me. It was a win win for everyone. I had Michelin 315's up front but because they were not the normal size most truckers use he couldn't sell them so I just let him have them. The truckers were concerned about getting a flat and then not having a spare to replace it because of the 'odd' size.
  6. Mike H


    LazyDays Fitness Center ......... noticeably empty ! ;-) Where was everybody ?
  7. Mike H


    LazyDays Fitness Center ......... noticeably empty ! ;-) Where was everybody ?
  8. Just for INFO,the 303 that comes in the blue bottle that is just labeled 'PROTECTANT Interior/Exterior' is the exact same product. I called the company and they confirmed that. They said the only difference was the color of the bottle, and they labeled it 'Aerospace' just to target a specific customer. So, the bottom line is to price shop it. I found it at O'Riley's on a BOGO sale last year and bought several bottles.
  9. Mike H


    At the Lazydays 'Front Porch Cafe' for their daily FREE breakfast
  10. Mike H


    At the Lazydays 'Front Porch Cafe' for their daily FREE breakfast
  11. Mike H


    At the Lazydays 'Front Porch Cafe' for their daily FREE breakfast
  12. Mike H


    At the Lazydays 'Front Porch Cafe' for their daily FREE breakfast
  13. Mike H


    At the Lazydays 'Front Porch Cafe' for their daily FREE breakfast
  14. Chris caught sneaking away for an afternoon nap 🙂
  15. Dave Pratt with his 'buddy' Chris Throgmartin
  16. Mike H


    Mike & Denise Hadley making their 'mandatory' Side trip to the Parksdale Market for their famous strawberry milkskakes
  17. Mike H


    Mike & Denise Hadley making their 'mandatory' Side trip to the Parksdale Market for their famous strawberry milkskakes
  18. Mike H


    Mike & Denise Hadley making their 'mandatory' Side trip to the Parksdale Market for their famous strawberry milkskakes (they're now $3)
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