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Trace panel Switches are Dark

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Has anyone run into this electrical problem before?  Hoping to leave Wednesday for FMCA / Gillette. Doing my trip preparation on our 2002' Signature, I found that when I pushed the "Panel LTS" rocker switch to the on position (on the Trace house panel), nothing illuminates or operates except Generator switch. None of the gauges move.

I know my tanks are not all empty.   Any suggestions as to where to start?

Why don't the panel lights illuminate??

Why don't my gauges move or deflect? 

Electrical is Not a knowledgeable Topic for me. 

Suggestions are much appreciated.




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Like John said, the switches and level sensors don't appear to have DC power. All the switch lighting is daisy chained and level sensors need power too. Gen switch is independent and gets power from generator and chassis battery. Are you sure your salesman switch is on or bypassed? You should have 2 solenoids at the rear passenger side that act as 12v cutoff,  each for different 12v circuits so even if some 12v stuff works, other may not.. Of course your house batteries and switch must be good for all that to work.

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Thanks to all.

I found and replaced a blown 5 amp fuse near the mono bloc and that illuminated the interior panel and also fired off the water pump.

However, our originally installed refrigerator control panel  still would not illuminate. I removed the exterior refer panel and found a red warning light illuminated.

I called a local tech and he said just get a powerful magnet (250 lb lifting capacity) from Harbor Freight and hold it up close to the red warning light. 

I did that and POW! the refrigerator miraculously came to life. I think we are all back in operation.

Happy Trails,


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