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I found this small board in a ziplock bag on my recently purchased used Windsor. The battery was in the bag also along with some short valve stem extenders. It appears this battery may fit into the two contacts, they don’t appear to have been solder to anything but do show some signs of corrosion from a battery perhaps?


Edited by tmw188
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It looks like the circuit board to a Key Fob. Most likely the one that controls the locking/unlocking of the entry door and bay doors.

It has three small push buttons that will activate the three functions, one for locking the entry & bay doors, one for unlocking the entry door and one for unlocking just the bay doors.

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Hey great answers from all of you, thank you. I do have the key fob for the entry door so quite possibly the battery had caused some damage to the key fob and it was replaced.  I’ll hang onto it in case it’s still good great observation thanks guys. 
I wonder if I could just try this holding it in my hand and pushing on the three micro switches. I looked and I can see the battery polarity on the board, so I’ll give it a try and report back. 

Edited by tmw188
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When you look at your photo, the top left button will lock everything, the lower left button will unlock the bay doors and the right button will unlock the entry door.

In the upper right corner is a small LED light which will light up green when you push either the lock or unlock buttons.

Of course you need a new battery which is an A23 or a 21/23 equivalent and clean contacts.

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Todd, my Key Fob case got cracked and now has a wrap of black electrical tape around the base of it where the battery is located as these fob's are obsolete.

It still works though and just have to replace the battery periodically.

Possibly the case was destroyed and they were lucky enough to find a new one before they became obsolete.

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