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Website Changes - Personally Identifiable Information

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We have recently made some minor changes to the site to add additional protection for your personally identifiable information (PII).  This was prompted by a new user asking some questions when they saw PII on another users profile.

  • We have hidden your full street address, if that was on your profile (it's optional). If you wish to share your street address with another user, please do so using private messaging.
  • We have flagged all required registration info as PII, except your coach info.
  • We now have the capability for you to request a PII report to see exactly what information Monacoers.org stores about you:
    • Click on your name in the upper right hand corner
    • Click on Account Settings
    • Click on "Security and Privacy"
    • From there you can request a download of all of your PII stored on Monacoers.org

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.


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Scotty, Thanks for the changes as that protection is seriously needed and we all tend to just accept the exposure far too easily. 

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Thanks for thinking this thru and taking the measures you have to protect PII.  Glad you took action to preclude or at the very least reduce the likelihood of an incident.

Steve P

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Scotty, I appreciate you doing this for us! I can’t thank you enough for this site, it is gotten me out of the hole countless times. Thanks again.

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