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Mel S - '96 Safari

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Everything posted by Mel S - '96 Safari

  1. Jim I couldn't watch the launch in person 😞...... but on TV in Wisconsin it looked like the rocket went straight UP. 🙂
  2. Tom Cherry That I do remember. Rid-X has always worked well for me but I learned long ago that I can live with inaccurate tank readings. (I don't have the SeeLevel tank monitoring system).
  3. Paul Methinks the counter guys quit to soon...I found an exact replacement motor at Advance Auto in my small Wisconsin, (population 4,063), home town.
  4. Dale n Deb Most auto part stores have those moters in stock.. (no need to wait).
  5. dennis I use this ordinary unscented Rid-X: Which is readily available. BTW, methinks Rid-X simply added a "fresh scent" to, and re-labeled some ordinary Rid-X "RV Rid-X", (an attempt to trick RVers and/or to make more $$) ?
  6. Dennis RV Rid-X works no differently than the ordinary, available everywhere, Liquid Rid-X which I've been using successfully in both my black and grey tanks since 2001.
  7. Dale I believe the owner's manual for every make/model "electric RV step" contain detailed easy to follow Troubleshooting Instructions. If you have no owner's manual for your step you should be able find one online.
  8. Welcome "Speerfamily". (Sad how Yahoo screwed up the Monacoers Yahoo group).
  9. John If you can't double-regulate the gas supply because your grill has it's own built in, (or permanently attached), regulator isn't the high-flow regulator you added before the quick disconnect problematic.
  10. Bob The start/stop switches in the rear curbside service bay of my rear radiator Cat powered Safari are often used.
  11. Firefly See: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk029-6bAbgZXhJBim-JWmfwx5cuDUw%3A1589735917416&source=hp&ei=7XHBXsnuFsiutQaE_r_QDg&q=Leece+Neville+4884JB&oq=Leece+Neville+4884JB&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQDDICCABQkgpYkgpg9CxoAHAAeACAAVuIAVuSAQExmAEAoAECoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiJmZHls7vpAhVIV80KHQT_D-oQ4dUDCAg HOWEVER, because the compatibly of a new replacement alternator is often problematic....I suggest you have your original alternator rebuilt. ....(to find a rebuilder Google "alternator rebuild shop near me".
  12. I believe that the specified torque, (aka: tightness), for that "worm gear band screw" is 65 in-lb, (INCH/pounds). ,
  13. You can buy Barry You can buy those "half clamps", (p/n 385310048), and any other Dometic 510 Plus toilet parts you might need, here: https://ardemco.com/traveler-toilet-model-510/ And from may other inline suppliers
  14. Google says SEOW = https://www.cdhs.udel.edu/seow/what-is-seow ??
  15. Paul I suspect that you spelled Newmar "anew at".
  16. Dennis Excellent point, and suggestions. 👍
  17. Tom Insist that Camping World find a replacement ..... (If they refuse take legal action).
  18. Dave, Gloria, & miss Molly Those cone shaped rubber gaskets are Flair-It hose fitting washers. Most RV parts stores have them.
  19. Russ There are 2 different sets of batteries in your coach ...(HOUSE batteries & CHASSIS batteries)...which of those "coach batteries" do you have to replace?
  20. Cruzbil Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) are important when choosing CHASSIS, (aka: starting), batteries. CCA is a rating used in the battery industry to define a battery's ability to start an engine in cold temperatures. The rating refers to the number of amps a 12-volt battery can deliver at 0°F for 30 seconds while maintaining a voltage of at least 7.2 volts.
  21. Dave J Currently the East coast DirecTV, (NOT DISH Satellite), DNS feeds emanate from New York ...The West coast DNS feeds emanate from California...(and the one PBS feed comes from somewhere in the Eastern time zone). However, according to the following notice from ATT/DirecTV, all of the DNS feeds may end on July 1: Time will tell.
  22. Kenneth Parsons Can't your existing satellite antenna be easily switched from DirecTV to Dish? (My Kingdome was switched from Dish to Direct back in 2002).
  23. Have you seen these? https://d1y6jrbzotnyjg.cloudfront.net/V3MSA/e72d566383164c5ebc7b06f7a0cd4f31/V1/897e9c57a65a4fafa40177a11cf48392/ShortForm-Generic-480p-16-9-1409173089793-rpcbe5.mp4?Expires=1588346605&Signature=JN9yLnKzXTuSOrSgpgMZGx-vF~7rSrk-JM0aSECsv-fFwWEQhdj8AEklIv56h5g7aiMEb3ArS-edHnpQvLz5wfzM1A16UZQ3Y8V7jM7mvzI5h91ReX8kcDTkfmLDqyH6mvWf7WYQJclbkt2yqTBlscoEZZBJ3S894IZcuCMGeoI_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJ62XWKZ35EOVO4XA
  24. It matters not because we can't ever again be a Yahoo group. However a monacoer.org member has a Facebook group he named "Monacoers". . .I wonder what Bill D. would have done about that?
  25. Steven P , Gary K & Dr4Film, Not everyone agrees that monacoers.org is an improvement over the former, (original), monacoers Yahoo group .
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