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Paul J A

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Everything posted by Paul J A

  1. Doug Replace all the intake pleated duct with aluminum tubing and use rubber fittings like truckers have. Gets rid of air friction . Great simple improvement. Buy stuff from https://www.intakehoses.com/ Now the engine can breath. The engine air cleaner should be addressed too.
  2. Doug; You have a perfect Weight/Horsepower ratio Coach. The ISM or Detroit DD60 are 2 of the best. A few simple changes to the intake and exhaust components will make a significant improvement to the performance and fuel consumption.
  3. Some folks have had success using eternabond tape on the roof, under the foot of the panel mounting bracket, another layer on top of the foot. Do a bench test. You will be amazed. Make the foot as large , or size/shape you want .
  4. https://www.google.com/search?q=manabloc+fittings&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1020US1020&oq=mana+blok&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgCEAAYDRiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGA0YgAQyCQgCEAAYDRiABDIJCAMQABgNGIAEMgkIBBAAGA0YgAQyCQgFEAAYDRiABDIJCAYQABgNGIAEMgkIBxAAGA0YgAQyCQgIEAAYDRiABDIJCAkQABgNGIAE0gEIODkwM2owajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  5. https://www.strombergcarlson.com/product-category/rv-ladders/ Provided many ladders for coaches to the Monaco brands. They may be using a newer kind/type fastener. May be worth a call.
  6. Try; Air Bags [Springs} Sources https://www.truckspring.com Sdtrucksprings.com
  7. When ppl post a problem /about/with a CB, circuit board, as the primary suspect , simply post a picture of YOUR FRB, Front Run Bay, and YOUR RRB, Rear Run Bay. That may could/ should help to reduce the confusion. Coach information in your signature area sure does help too.
  8. The BEST coach washes we experienced in the 10 years we full times were at https://truckomat.com/
  9. Water & Holding Tanks, Skylights & A C Shrouds & More https://www.eztopsworldwide.com/ https://www.icondirect.com/ ASK https://dicorproducts.com/ what to use around the https://myeternabond.com/
  10. https://www.seamerica.com/ was the OEM provider . Local glass shops or bathroom remodelers would be my 1st choice.
  11. Windshield Wiper Parts Here are a few sources. http://www.dieselequipment.com http://rometruckparts.com/ http://www.amequipment.com/ https://www.wiperparts.com https://midwestbusparts.com/index.php?main_page
  12. Lots of ppl have used Insect spray with 25% of DEET. They have experienced great results.
  13. Bob; "Should we start another post?" That would be my choice.
  14. I used stainless steel bolts, with castle nuts and stainless steel hair pin clips for fasteners for the base plates on the toad. Also used stainless pins with drilled holes for a lock on each pin. The carbon steel base plate is the weakest link in the chain. The land between the holes, space, makes me nervous. IF the toad is of an age that justifies the investment I would replicate the toad base plate brackets in stainless and be done . Pretty simple part to do. A reputable quality fab shop could do that easily.
  15. Yep. Doing what you believe in and believing in what you do.
  16. They are called a flush sliding dead bolt lock. Davis Cabinets in Oregon made lots of cabinets for Monaco. Used them to lock galley drawers and the dishwasher drawers had one too.
  17. The shape may be distorted, but the cfm of exhaust is not disturbed until a bend, curve, in the straight line of it occurs. Go straight pipe and eliminate all back pressure.
  18. It should be controlled by the switch to the right of the passenger seat. I had 2 lights on our 07 Executive. I ordered the coach with that light configuration and that switch was for both lights on/ off function.
  19. You may want to look into using a larger tire where possible. A better tire patch, footprint, on the road will give you better control, a better ride and braking too. Less inflation pressure too. Have you weighed your coach to establish the correct cold tire inflation recommended by your tire MFG.?
  20. Have you considered taking the light to NAPA and let them get one.
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