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Paul J A

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Everything posted by Paul J A

  1. https://www.strombergcarlson.com/product-category/rv-ladders/ https://www.google.com/search?q=rec+pro+ladders&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1020US1020&oq=rec+pro+ladders&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABgKGBYYHjINCAIQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAMQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCDUzMDdqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  2. The front air bags have a 3/4" fitting because of the distance from the compressor. The rear use 1/4".
  3. Richard; Is that $899 for the coach only?
  4. Most chassis grease is clay based . That's what you should be using on your Chassis and especially on the brake slack adjusters.
  5. I would drain 4 quarts of oil out of the engine oil pan, and replace with; https://www.lucasoil.com/product/heavy-duty-oil-stabilizer/ Eliminates dry starts.
  6. Sort of off topic too. I drove a Prius 4 years as a volunteer, provided by a non profit . They provided transportation for a variety of ppl who needed it. Very reliable vehicle, a little cramped for 4 adults. I will certainly keep and maintain my ICE powered vehicles.
  7. WALL Street Journal article this week. GM is the latest automaker to signal that it's returning to the plug-in hybrid. The vehicle type seemed to be on its way out until late last year. That's when EV sales began slowing both in the U.S. and abroad, sending automakers back to the plug-in hybrid.
  8. Anyone have a Ugly Fix installed on a Cummins ISX ? Looking for a shop, Tech to do that in the AZ. NM. area. Thanks
  9. "This incident received some publicity locally as the RDU & RTP area". Could you post what the acronyms. RDU & RTP represent. EDITED OP and the above quote.
  10. Please consider putting your coach information with your signature . Sure helps with appropriate answers for post issues. Thank you
  11. I would use synthetic oil. I would install an external oil filter, like used on Aqua Hot, with the correct Micron rating, on the back wall of the enclosure, maybe the fuel filter too. They are a PITA where thy are. I did that. SOLD the coach so i can't provide a picture. NAPA made up the new lines. Have https://www.blackstone-labs.com/ do a use analysis for you. 30$ well invested.
  12. The guys at https://sourcerv.com/ may know what system you have. Worth a call.
  13. Ricki Mackin was in charge of the "Paint shops" at Monaco. He has a business in Oregon. He has a inhouse designed Coach Engine door with louvers as a proprietary product . I would suggest you CALL him. https://www.mackinstreetcustoms.com/services/ Try these as well.
  14. Check with https://www.rvcams.com/ for additional options that may be available.
  15. My trusty old stuff!!! I used it 10 years full timing on everything!! https://www.google.com/search?q=boeshield+t+9+on+electrical+connections&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1020US1020&oq=Boeshield+T+9+on+electric&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCECEYoAEyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigAdIBCTIwMjgwajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  16. A great source for 1000,s of RV Mfg. Products Sales & Features Information. https://www.rvroundtable.com/rv-brochure/
  17. Do you have one to duplicate or ???
  18. Consider a shorted wiper blade. A 26-28" will provide adequate vision avenue for you. Also consider consulting with any/all of these entities for input from ppl who are acquainted with the product you are using. Here are a few sources. http://www.dieselequipment.com http://rometruckparts.com/ http://www.amequipment.com/ https://www.wiperparts.com https://midwestbusparts.com/index.php?main_page
  19. Close the slides. Awnings up for sunshine when appropriate. Put https://www.reflectixinc.com/products/double-reflective-insulation/ Inside all cabinets against the coach wall where ever you can, wi dows too, shower dome, closet walls and on the floor in the closet and under the bottom of drawers , on the floor. Across the windshield, entire front door.
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