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How to remove the chrome cap on the tag axle on a 2011 Monaco Diplomat

Go to solution Solved by Frank McElroy,

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Can someone tell me how to remove the chrome cap from my tag axle on my 2011 Monaco Diplomat.  It has a chrome hub over. When I remove the chrome nut covers, all the wheel lug nuts secure the chrome hub along with the wheel, so I can not remove the lugs. It looks like the cap can be pried off, but I have not been able to.  Not sure if this is the correct way. I believe I have a small oil leak coming from inside the chrome hub cover.  I need to remove the cap to see what is leaking. 

Thank you for your help





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The whole cover is held in place by every other lug nut so it should be possible to remove it but that's not what you want.  The end cap is removable as you suspect but not always easily. I use a flat screwdriver to start it and it will eventually release but it can take a lot of convincing it. Sometimes I use a hook tool, kind of like a large paint can opener but I have a better kind, ment for gasket removal. Depends how stuck they are.

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