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Misc parts needs for 2002 Signature 45ft

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You all are so helpful here so Im back for more guidance.  I need a few minor parts for the coach - first is on the windshield wipers I need the lead cone inserts and the bolt on spray nozzle.  Second is my hydraulic slide works when it wants to, sometimes the bottom works and other times it doesn't.  It is a 6 post switch roughly 1'x1' looking to replace the switch first.  Third thing is I have the 38 series kwikee step and needing the part number for the motor only and cheapest place to purchase it.  

Thanks once again to you all in advance


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Ivan that Anco 47-16 looks exactly right but is the center open?  it needs to be open?  The Anco 48-03 is right as well, just need to google search were to buy it.

As far as the step, photo below, it works perfect, it's just when you close the door and the step retracts all the way in, after its in it makes a really loud knocking noise for about 4 seconds. sounds like a machine gun, people around start ducking like we are in the hood, lol.  local RV guy says I need a motor bc it has worm gears in it, but wanted to check with you all.  Thought it might be the other part the motor bolts too.   

Lastly the other photo is the switch for hydraulic slide 6 piston the back. Any part numbers or advice?




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My steps started doing the same thing and I replaced the motor and lever arm assembly.  Found it on Ebay back ~12 years ago. 

It may be the plastic gear that the motor mates to, only way to tell is pull it apart and take a look. 

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Keith,  yes the center on that splined cone is open to slide on the shaft. What Jim said above is what I would do with the step assembly. Sometimes, probably most of times, the whole circumference of the big gear is not actually used and can be repositioned to use the good section. Until next time.. I don't know if the one I have is any good since the step got crushed by a truck. I don't know part number for the switch because I just took mine apart, cleaned and slightly bent the contacts inside. Works for years, like new. It is a two circuit momentary on-off-momentary on, might have a number on it? I never had to replaced my switches, unless they melted it can be fixed. That way I don't have to wait and guess the size fitment. 

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So I tried to find the PN for the step motor/gear box that I replaced but couldn't find it.  But I think this is what I bought https://www.ebay.com/itm/156031447198?itmmeta=01HRSH5P1A9YZQRSBFTDKEGMS8&hash=item245432f09e:g:bawAAOSwg2VkWT~1&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8PqqxrvNSi9vmeOIQy4r%2BkXl54MlSiuDDh7pQ1uF9YVCd62qru1N7U%2FbZCoYNgID6L%2FgA2HJUXMNbxLN7C%2ByOxCAjHzxwcJGxIZoJS4lh1%2F5xym33gKsLhrK1KBKkf8rKXWP0YWTPedmGSHsFt8cByjDmA6BxBz%2BsRWhfRj3CqpSgY01xhJ2WA8UPoEi5OBYd8znELiswI%2BfinKsqQSbmDKG8W%2Fj9OPH%2F4msstTWUgAAysK6FctX%2BNJ%2B6MnQmKwlk%2FMmYa%2FuR0S0Bj4QeO%2BU1cg31lkHibwJmhlT2kdlcik7z9tpkjZdlmS1vi4hcKfvOw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR-zglrHGYw

That was 2011, price was $195, it's double that now.  There are aftermarkets availabe a lot cheaper. https://www.ebay.com/itm/145031860768?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D261916%26meid%3D351026e5cd4541838fdcde531ba56628%26pid%3D101875%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D156031447198%26itm%3D145031860768%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D4429486%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuWithLambda85KnnRecallV1V2V4ItemNrtInQueryAndCassiniVisualRankerAndBertRecallWithVMEV3CPCAutoWithCassiniEmbRecall&_trksid=p4429486.c101875.m1851&itmprp=cksum%3A145031860768351026e5cd4541838fdcde531ba56628|enc%3AAQAIAAABgHD%2FO%2BVoFoPPIoZ2g0kOZxWd85mWuIHekSp3qag7zFfwObZeQoitzE%2FDCfcejfO%2BzOLmzZmy11RrgWpA56KM9DpasK%2BGtGYwCFvgaK6ijP5AqShEUhT8f2oX6hvndJ3G0oWH8DD1DlBWseQltpxcSDW2Uu52NrseaxeINpsrDP6vx7ny%2BkPKauMa3yeSanWiinWBsVPZdc94c8XLZhP%2BsGTTshTDLKj28wBbXFG1X8DTVBQd9o2LV6LQk1JektlYgT4NmJBUtR5izvJ728t94v4%2FtFhEU7TB5AUc1BKI0Wpvd5NvQzMbBUBnIfvFQoJtFr1lbC2tH9ARFmQF9J2np%2B%2BACSiTeC3GX2nPkKw04fjWwvjVaIhzo2cWEQfFxPK4GtImd%2BYp%2ByLYOSMjjIAiEvZoVHPgW8tY%2Fzyt9ieUL%2BSYb0Lr%2B%2FDc8kbm82Gnfk4N6Ay1%2F1LtXM5vCcdvU37TC3I7gt4Aw57sGHntggGGbFoJquw50tPxuYXzhmchLD2gbg%3D%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A4429486&itmmeta=01HRSH6EKNGA1WXA4FV8JQD974


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