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Where in the world is my AGS module?


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Now that I’ve replaced/upgraded the battery cables to my genset & she starts like a charm (Thanks @Tom Cherry for the awesome guidance), I’m ready to try a feature on the coach we’ve never used - the AGS. But, where in the world did they hide the AGS module on our 06 Dynasty? I’ve crawled all over & can’t find it!

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What does the MANUAL say.  There are only TWO Places that they live...and I'm ASSUMING we are dealing with a MAGNUM inverter.  UP FRONT in the FRB...

OR, and the 2008 Dynasty, I THINK, is this way.  Near the Inverter.  Start looking there. It is mounted and HOT hidden under a panel or above the ceiling.

It has FIVE (5) knobs...  There is a section, I'm pretty sure, in the 8th Chapter on HOUSE electric.  There is a picture there.  In order to use your AGS, you have to set the KNOBS for the parameters.  THEN, you can ENGAGE or ENABLE IT from the Magnum Remote.  That is how it works.  Read up

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Well, the manual is what I consulted first (Section 8 - page 266). It shows a picture of it but has no indication of its location. I also pulled out the wiring diagrams. Same thing again - no location. I’ve visited the FRB 3 times - not in there. I’ve visited interior cabinets - not there. I’ve visited RRB - well, you get the gist. Even looked in basement storage bays. I’m sure it’s hiding in plane sight - I just need some different glasses. 

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Thanks @Frank McElroy for the “about a foot away from the inverter”! However, mine was on the sidewall by the exterior wall of the coach basically behind my head. “Hiding in plain sight . . .” Man, what an embarrassment - not sure even new glasses can help here! Thanks - you guys are great!

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Mine is exactly where Frank described it to be, on the ceiling right in front of the Magnum Inverter/Charger

I still have to test the trigger wire to see if they may have hooked it to the chassis batteries instead of the house batteries.

My AGS has yet to work when my house batteries get too low so I am fairly certain that they hooked it up wrong.

I just need to confirm and correct.

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If you have the old style AGS module with dial settings, it's likely bad.  Monaco crimped the battery voltage sensing wire to the 12 volt battery cable at the inverter lug.

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DITTO…there are many posts here.  magnum either had a BAD run or it was a bad design. The Magnum tech support told me they USED to repair them and customer paid only parts.  They were overwhelmed.  They also admitted a faulty design and the NEW ONE. AGS-N is the replacment.  It will plug and play, but Frank’s fix or suggestion on how to relocate the sensing wire makes sense.  You have to choose a lower voltage for the AGS to “kick in”…as the voltage on the remote will just short cycle and cause you to recharge way too often.  Mine is usually set to 11.8 VDC….that does NOT subject your house batteries to even close that.  Read the Battery 101 file and it explains it.  

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