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Mike H

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Everything posted by Mike H

  1. Yep, just found some for $60 but they are about 90 miles away. Thanks everyone for the replies and suggestions. I know what I need to do now.
  2. DANG ! You're absolutely correct. That was a bad typo 🙂
  3. Ah Ha ! A chemical tote, that's what I was thinking about but forgot what they were called. A couple of the camps out at my fishing camp installed those. Most of the other camps just used two 55 gal plastic barrels and a drain field pipe. I didn't think the 55 gal barrels would be big enough if I came home with my holding tanks half full. I'll check around on Craig's List and Marketplace. Tnx.
  4. Tom, My problem our septic tank is on the other side of our house and it would take probably 200 ft of line to get to it. At a slope of 1/4" per foot the tank would need to be 50 ft deep to drain properly. Our back yard is only about 15-20 ft away from where the sewer hose would attach to the coach. A 200-250 gal barrel is probably going to be the simplest solution and I think I might be able to find someone that could put that in without any permitting.
  5. So you didn't bother with putting in a small drain field of any sort?
  6. Has anyone installed a dedicated 'stand alone' holding tank dump station at their house. I'm not looking for dumping into our existing septic tank (way to far away and on the opposite side of our house). At our hunting and fishing camps we used a couple of 55 gal barrels and they worked fine for occasional flushing but I know they would be overloaded with a single 40 - 60 gal dump. I suspect our current septic tank system couldn't even handle a single dump of that volume. My question is: How big/small of a septic has anyone installed. Typically I don't see it getting used more than 1 or 2 times a year. Probably more if a friend wanted to make a short visit and for us if we had used a Harvest Host site for a weekend and needed to dump when we got back home.
  7. You would think that would be a standard feature just like all other vehicles. At night when I have to lock or unlock the entrance door I have to feel around in the dark for the key pad until it lights up and then I can enter my key codes. I ended up finding some rechargable LED lights and mounted one on the bottom of the entrance door and another under the dash facing the entrance. I even have a couple of spare buttons on our Key Fobs that would be nice to activate the porch light and an interior light.
  8. There are some spacers/shims inside of the square tubes. Were you able to see whether or not they may have dropped out or if they are still in place. They fell out of mine and had to be reinstalled. My slide was racked to the point where the side wall separated from the floor.
  9. Also the green travel mode light on mine won't come on if the tag axle is lifted.
  10. I think we have the same layout, even though mine is a 45 CAQ. None of the fuses in the closet have anything to do with Bay lights etc. Check boards F12, F13 and F14 in the outside front run bay (mine is in the attached photo).
  11. If you were looking into the electrical panel in your closest, those are the breakers for your 110 circuits. You're going to find all your other 12v fuses in the front outside electrical run bay. I looked at the 12v fuses in our closest and don't see anything for Grab Bar, bay lights etc.
  12. I went with a Blue Point gage and love it. They don't make this mdfel anymore but it looks like the Eastman is a duplicate. https://www.ebay.com/itm/314571550116?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1CIbXqOcjQFi5RjwXMQ33HQ1&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=314571550116&targetid=1587268787897&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9011838&poi=&campaignid=19894961968&mkgroupid=148855406073&rlsatarget=pla-1587268787897&abcId=9307911&merchantid=6296724&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnMWkBhDLARIsAHBOftorVtMU95F9vyfK1j-wQg8Xh63bTR3t7Zp9X5F8mKwgjjPaO_YMDvEaAi63EALw_wcB https://www.eastwood.com/eastwood-digital-tire-pressure-gauge-inflator.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnMWkBhDLARIsAHBOftrS7eKjVHb88iSbYEU3NPVTzwPASxcd6dtzcRsUADx-J9_vKAJuL5kaAlAqEALw_wcB&wcid=18669317181&wickedid=629946432616&wickedsource=google&wv=4
  13. Have you looked at your hyd cylinders to see if there is any visible leakage. You're losing hyd pressure somewhere? You should also check around the pump and solenoids , under your entry stairs, to make sure your hyd reservoir is at the proper level and whether or not there are any visible leaks there. If you have no visible leaks anywhere then most likely your hyd cylinder(s) are leaking and if the slide is coming in crooked then I would first suspect the synchronizing cylinder but that there is just a guess. Bottom line is that most likely you're facing having ALL of the hyd cylinders for the offending slide(s) pulled out and rebuilt. When you extend or retract those slides are they moving straight or are the slides coming in crooked? If straight then your synchronizing cylinders might be OK but if you're starting to have leaking hyd cylinders then I would pull them all out to have rebuilt. It's only a matter of time before they all start failing. Cost to rebuild them will probably be around $110 each and you'll probably have to locate a good hyd shop to do that yourself. Most RV repair facilities are probably going to want to buy new cylinders from HWH to install and you really don't need to go that route plus it'll probably take 'forever' to get replacement cylinders from HWH. Where are you located? I can recommend a couple of places in Central Florida that will do that for you. Like Dick said above, try exercising them fully several times and then hold your switch down until you hear a different sound from your pump indicating it has built up full pressure and going into its bypass mode. You could just have a bit of crude caught up in one of the solenoids and that should hopefully work it out.
  14. Tom Cherry has IMHO has the best route laid out.
  15. Thanks MJ. They really look nice. I had also considered going with Projector Light. I also like the looks of your Fog Lights. Where did you find them? How do you think they would work as back up lights?
  16. If you have an opportunity some time could you post some close-up photos of you headlight conversion and let us know if you had any issues with the installation. I have looked at those lights before but have wondered about the quality. I have a twin to your coach 🙂
  17. From the end of '69 Cocoa Beach, Cape Canaveral and Titusville through the early 70's there was a mass exodus from this area. PHd's were lucky if they could get a job at a 7-11 or Eckerds. I left in Sept of '69 after Chrysler closed up in Cape Canaveral. Yes the Apollo-Soyuz launch was on July 15, 1975 and that was after we started converting the Apollo facilities and Ground Support Equipment over to support the Shuttle program. It wasn't until early '74 when hiring started again.
  18. Reminds me of the very late 60's when the Apollo program was shutting down and everyone losing their jobs. I saw people packing everything they could and abandoned everything else along with their homes and pulling out into I-95 and heading north out of Florida.
  19. I bought a 1090 at the Tampa show last January, for the wife to play with while I use my 770 for navigation. I like to use the 'Live Track' feature of the 770. That 1090 has a lot of nice features.
  20. I probably should have clarified my original comment about visiting Buc-ee's a little better. I only stop there for the sandwiches and snacks and not for diesel fuel. The pumps at the Daytona location are way to tight to get through for us. At the very far end of the line of pumps 'may' be doable but nothing I would want to try. I plan ALL of our trips in advance using RV Trip Wizard and even use that to plan out where all the T/A's are for my fuel stops. The Open Roads app on my phone even shows me the discounted fuel prices at T/A, Petro and Love's. As Andy mentioned above you'll find them a lot more crowed at meal times and on the weekends, especially on Sundays (seems like it's the place to go after church). I haven't had the opportunity to visit the one in St Augustine, Fl yet so I don't know how it compares to the one in Daytona but would be interested to know if anyone else has visited both.
  21. I have been into Buc-ee's in Daytona, Fl (I-95), Florence, SC (I-95) and Robertsdale, AL (I-10) with our 45' Exec towing my F-150 (70 ft long). Yeah they're a little tight but doable. I just peruse the far outskirts of the parking lots for an empty area, which I can usually find. I try an avoid any 'rush hour' times. I did hit one at a bad time once (not sure which one) where there were no empty areas so after twice around I spotted and empty row of fuel pumps at the very end and pulled in there and parked. After we came out with our meals I finally was able to pull over into an empty area close by. Their parking lots have room but you just have to be cool dealing with the traffic. I've found that generally everyone gets out of our way and smiles at our coach as we pass by. 🙂
  22. Tom, I called WABCO Technical Support this morning and they told me the new part number for the R950011 has been changed to 4324209232. Distributers are really proud of them. I saw prices as high as $163 ! and that's just for the filter. I gig find one on Anything Truck ( https://www.anythingtruck.com ) for $96.13. Then they want $15.09 for shipping and $5.73 sales tax. Bottom line is I ordered one shipped for $117.95. BTW; I can't get under my coach right now to look at the existing filter. I'm having a problem with the Manual side of my HWH leveling system. AutoLevel and Travel modes work fine but I can't manually raise it. Coach wants to come up crooked. I made an appt with Barry at JOSAMs to see if they can fix it.
  23. There are spacers on the back/inside of the bands that hold them off of the rim.
  24. Dyna Beads were in the steer tires with the Tyron Bands when I replaced the tires. I didn't see any evidence of any beads caught up in the bands. The beads are actually slung away from the bands when traveling and just drop to the bottom of the tire when stopped. I talked with Chuck Thatcher about that and also with the folks out at Innovative Balancing and neither had heard of anyone having issues using the beads with the bands. BTW; The beads come in a very thin, paper/tissue like bag (sort of like what Happy Camper comes in) that you just drop into the tire before it's aired up and comes apart once the tire starts rotating to let the beads disperse.
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