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Awning Anemometer Blades/Cups with 3D Printer

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Does anyone with a 3D printer make the Anemometer plastic piece?  All of the replacement cups I have seen are very fragile.  The Girard blade type is less fragile but doesn't seem to move with a small amount of wind.  I have not found any of the blade type replacements.

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The cups on arms with a center hub is an awkward shape to 3D print without supports.

I expect to we could come up with a multi-piece design that would be easier to print. I have a spare I can try to model it off.

now that I liked, there are many designs to use as inspiration here.



Edited by pwhittle
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Cut a ping pong ball in half. It works. 

Good luck if you depend on that devise to save your awning.  We full timed 10 years and most full timers never depended on them. Any sudden wind blast will do damage before the devise can actuate fast enough to retract the awnings. Take a watch and time how long it takes for a large patio awning to retract. 

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They are mainly for when I don't realize the steady wind is increasing or forget they are out.  I rarely put the fragile Girard patio awnings out, one $500 wind gust taught me that lesson & it was a small gust.  Has anyone tied the Girard awnings down?  Seems like a lasso at each end might work.

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4 hours ago, Terry T said:


can the 3d printer do the window weep hole covers?


Yes, I am sure they can. I am not sure it is economical to do it that way rather than just buy them from Atwood though unless you are doing it for yourself.


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