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Macerator pump

Paul Busch

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I've been using Surflow macerator pumps.  They last me about 3 - 4 years.  I've been pumping weekly since 2016 and they're holding up.

One big improvement I made is I put a strainer in the shower drain.  It catches my wife's long hair, which was a major cause of failure before that.  When I'd take one of the failed pumps apart, I'd find the impeller wrapped with long hairs.



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Thanks Dwight,

Hair is what  did the SANICON in. It is so hard to reach but I managed to get the front off and remove the blades. I figured it was so old I might as well replace it. I just mounted the new one in the floor of the service bay and left the original one to remove later. The SEAFLO pump is so moist it doesn’t seem it would last long. I I will check the Surflo out .


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As far as I am concerned the best place for a Macerator Pump is in the garbage.  I fulltimed for 8 years with a good quality sewer hose.  I kept my black tank valve closed and my gray take valve open.  After emptying my black tank, I would rinse it out with a water hose going down the toilet.  I would then close the valve letting a few gallons of fresh water enter the tank.  Never had any black tank issues.    Chuck B 2004 Windsor

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2 hours ago, Chuck B said:

As far as I am concerned the best place for a Macerator Pump is in the garbage.  I fulltimed for 8 years with a good quality sewer hose.  I kept my black tank valve closed and my gray take valve open.  After emptying my black tank, I would rinse it out with a water hose going down the toilet.  I would then close the valve letting a few gallons of fresh water enter the tank.  Never had any black tank issues.    Chuck B 2004 Windsor


Some of us like and in fact need the macerator.  I am currently dumping into a toilet 100 feet away from the coach.  The macerator makes that possible.  At campground dump sites it does take a bit longer to dump, but nothing unreasonable.


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I've replaced several over the years as the cost of a new pump is comparable to the impeller/gasket replacement kit. Over the years though, I've learned several things:. One, keep the hair out of the shower using a strainer that can be cleaned out after the shower. Below is the one I use.  Also, yearly maintenance will keep your pump in excellent working order. They are easy to pop apart and clean the heads of debris. Finally, test the connection that powers the pump. On my Executive, they used undersized wiring which starved the pump causing them to fail. I finally replaced the factory 14 gauge wire with a straight shot 10 gauge and the pump purrs like a kitten now. I would not have another coach without one. The convenience and cleanliness are worth it to me. Also, my campsite only has to be within 100' of the bathroom for me to avoid waiting in line at the dump station. Below is the shower strainer I use and the pump I purchased.....Dennis

Macerator pump~ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GCH3N6Z/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


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Thanks for the input. My 05 sig had a SANICON macerator when I bought it used and worked great for 5 years. Started full timing last year and quit working. It is positioned in the center of the coach and really hard to get to. I used the dump hose all winter when we had a full hookup. I managed to get the front off and it was plugged with hair. I don’t think I can remove the original pump without removing the 50 amp power reel and not interested in tackling that now. I thought since it was 15+ I would just put in a new pump. Easy to install on the service bay floor and working great. Just seems noisy but maybe because it is right there instead of hid in the middle of the coach? I have spent the last 2 months bouncing from state park to state park without hookups and using dump stations. We now have a permanent summer home in my grandsons driveway and pumping into his sewer which is a refreshing change. We are not going to be big dry campers. I know the pump is the only thing for me here and working great now.


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  • 4 months later...

I have three slips, and it's a pain to drive my trailer to the dump once a week. So I did some research on some of the best macerator pumps for RV, and decided on the Flojet 18555-000A. Now I just pump into a portable storage tank and drive my pickup to the dump. It provides 30 second dry run protection in case I forget to turn it off after the waste stops flowing from the waste outlet. And it has a reasonable price that doesn't affect the bank account too much. In fact, it falls right below the $200 average for an RV catalytic pump, which is perfect given the number of times I plan to use the pump I've chosen.

Edited by Dalton07
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