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Rusty Water!


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My new-new-to-me 1997 Dynasty has signs that it has been used long-term with a very rusty fresh water source.

The toilet bowl has rust streaks from the water outlet ports, and when I was winterizing it and removed the water filter canisters in the water bay, they had rusty water at the bottom of them. They are also completely covered in rust that doesn't wash off, though they are plastic (see attached).  I can only assume that all the pipes, etc. are coated in this rust layer. 

I have seen no other signs of rust in the water when using water from our house in the tank. Water smells normal/fine, etc.

Is this something I should be concerned about? Can I just ignore it if it's not producing rusty water at the taps, etc.? Should I use the filter canisters with filters or replace them?


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I would take the filter cartridges out, sanitize the system, run lots of fresh water through the system, clean the plumbing parts, drain all again, put new filters in and use the fresh water system.  Reverse flush the grey and black tanks and put some treatment and fresh water in the tanks.  25 years old...I am sure you got a good deal on it.

Edited by DavidL
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Thanks for the advice.

Unit is winterized now but in the spring I think I will add a good dose of Iron Out (the stuff for plumbing/water softeners: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00103XAQC/ref=emc_b_5_t?th=1) to the fresh tank and run it through all the pipes and fixtures when I am sanitizing it and see what that does. 

Honestly, the water I put in it seemed fine, it was only when I opened the filter canister that I noticed the rust. 

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Like Richard said, it was/is from high iron content in the water supply.  You can try soaking the filter canisters in a vinegar and water solution to remove the iron stains.  Put new filter cartridges in and you should be good.  As far as the toilet stains, you can try vinegar or CLR.  

Dan D

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No need to take your iron pills anymore. Having grown up on well water with a high iron content, it’s must be cosmetic as I’m still here decades later plus we’ve always drank the water out of our various RV’s tanks.

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On 10/16/2021 at 8:40 AM, Ivylog said:

No need to take your iron pills anymore. Having grown up on well water with a high iron content, it’s must be cosmetic as I’m still here decades later plus we’ve always drank the water out of our various RV’s tanks.

Including the Grey and Black tanks?  😉

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