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PPV questions and sourcing information needed


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You can spend a lot or a little. I got my PPVs from Advanced Auto for about 12 bucks each (same as from Fleet Pride for more) and DOT fittings from Amazon. I replaced all the swivels with fixed, all the original swivels leaked once they were moved. Your PPVs look a bit different but they all do the same thing (60 psi) as long as the port sizes are same (3/8 in my case).


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1 minute ago, Ivan K said:

You can spend a lot or a little. I got my PPVs from Advanced Auto for about 12 bucks each (same as from Fleet Pride for more) and DOT fittings from Amazon. I replaced all the swivels with fixed, all the original swivels leaked once they were moved. Your PPVs look a bit different but they all do the same thing (60 psi) as long as the port sizes are same (3/8 in my case).


Yes, I was thinking about putting non-swivel back on. All 3 leak if they move just a tad. The PPV I may try to find the same one. I know they do the same thing but for space the smaller the better for mine 

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Replaced all my PPV's two years ago with the ones from Advanced Auto as @Ivan K has mentioned.  No problems with them.  Also replaced all swivel with non-swivel and all push to connect with compression fittings.  These were the areas where most my leaks were.

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Do a good cleaning of the part you want, there is probably a stamped number on it somewhere. 

I bought my PPV's from Advanced Auto also.  For the fittings I went to a local supplier, just took the old ones there and they matched them.

I had one PTC fitting that just wouldn't seal, there was a sharp bend in the tubing before it pushed into the fitting.  Ended up going with a compression fitting.

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I've got 4 of them. If your air leak slows down around 60 psi, spray soap water on them and a wet finger on the vent hole to confirm or eliminate them. If good, could be any of the many accessories they feed. I used a short length of appropriate line with a plug to isolate the accessories one at a time and even front from rear tank. Some super slow leaks are not even worth effort.


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  • Tom Cherry changed the title to PPV questions and sourcing information needed

I believe that in the files section there is a schematic showing the air system of a Dynasty, but it was very close to my 2002 Windsor.  My guess is that most coaches are very similar as to PPV's as they are a safety feature to prevent air loss if an air bag fails.  There are other check valves also. 

It has pictures of the front and rear tanks along with the associated parts and includes a parts list.  The part numbers may not be current but they are good enough to do searches and find viable parts.

In the end I removed the PPV's and confirmed the part numbers and did some searches ultimately finding Advanced Auto carried the part so I called the local store and ordered and they were there the next day.   For other parts I did searches and ordered off Ebay or Amazon. 

I had the luxury of time as I was home and didn't have any trips planned.  In the end I realized I could have pretty easily changed the PPV on the road if necessary. 

I actually two different PPV's with the only difference being an additional port but they provided plugs if the port wasn't needed so I just ordered the style with the additional port and standardized just plugging off the ports I didn't need. 

Here is a post I did in Nov 2021 when I first had the problem appear all the way through repair with pictures.


Edited by jacwjames
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So this is my issue and my theory. I have soaped everything multiple times and the only leaks I found are the swivel tees. Now to my issue. After about a week my coach leans to the side. I believe what’s going on is the tees are emptying my tanks and the Ppv valve is not sealing and if you will flowing backwards. This morning I took it apart and found only a microscopic piece on the sealing edge. I took a wire wheel to find any markings I could and there is not one single mark it to identify the brand or anything. I did find pretty close to the exact thing online but instead of 60-65 they were 70-80. Does anyone see an issue with 70-80? There has to be a reason they put in 60-65 from the factory. 

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IMO it won't matter if your pressure never drops past that. But if you had a leak, whatever is connected to the PPV will stop working long before the low pressure alarm comes ON and start working later when airing up from empty, obviously. I don't know you suspension plumbing, air leveling sixpacks or not. Leaning to one side could be more that just the PPV if both sides are on the same one. 

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10 minutes ago, Ivan K said:

IMO it won't matter if your pressure never drops past that. But if you had a leak, whatever is connected to the PPV will stop working long before the low pressure alarm comes ON and start working later when airing up from empty, obviously. I don't know you suspension plumbing, air leveling sixpacks or not. Leaning to one side could be more that just the PPV if both sides are on the same one. 

No six pack. There is a Ppv valve on the rear for each set of bags. It leans left once the air leaks out of the tanks. Right side stays up. It just started doing it a few weeks ago. I think I’m just going to change them and see what happens. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well just an update. After changing the 3 PPV's and fixing the tees leaking, all is well. I charged the air system to 90psi with my compressor and it has been sitting for 2 weeks now. I am now down to 50psi and she is not leaning like she was doing.  I call it a win. 

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