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Everything posted by Jdw12345

  1. Jdw12345

    Car In Storage

    We have Snowmobile’s and motorcycles, in the summer the sleds are on the maintainers and in the winter the lawnmower and the bikes and are on the maintainers! I believe you could go either way as far as disconnecting the battery or put it on a maintainer. I have Battery Minder https://www.amazon.com/BatteryMINDer-Model-1500-SmarTECHnology-Motorcycles/dp/B00D7HZ6FC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?gclid=Cj0KCQjw8p2MBhCiARIsADDUFVGXRRffrBp7O_sBoqaxawb3ivtccdlLVOD9pEYg0liw0-nG2-eWWjUaAnTyEALw_wcB&hvadid=174248873945&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1020126&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=4315557064240761141&hvtargid=kwd-3690103414&hydadcr=15254_9600106&keywords=batteryminder+plus&qid=1636329599&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=AR8XJJ19SNPNX&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE2NU41RjZGNVBGSTkmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA5MjM4NjQyRjMyTzVYS05SWEFWJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTEwMjA5NTYzS0Y5VjhCUDdXRzAxJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== and Battery Tender brands, https://www.amazon.com/Battery-Tender-021-0128-Maintain-Damaging/dp/B00068XCQU/ref=sr_1_10?gclid=Cj0KCQjw8p2MBhCiARIsADDUFVGRFNnOgRIQwkDTo5-H4pHGas0MkL4HXZyv-Mtqh3O3TIj6B7eXI8UaAtUpEALw_wcB&hvadid=174286269297&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9019490&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7855227933240324067&hvtargid=kwd-1980565061&hydadcr=7470_9322236&keywords=battery+tender+jr&qid=1636329711&sr=8-10
  2. On my 05 Dynasty you can access the back of the power cord drum/recoil from and access panel in the bay ahead of it, that access panel is also for the Aqua Hot, yours certainly could be different.
  3. Well, the reason I asked was that a new to us 05 Dynasty has 7 year old 4 Fullriver DC250 6V house batteries, I was just wondering if the PO was just sold a product that really worked and if I should keep them on the batteries. I’m questioning if I should just replace the batteries or just see how far they will go. I’m somewhat confused as the battery condition seems to drop while going down the road and then when we would stop the battery condition would actually get better….. I’m quite sure my Big Boy is not working correctly while rolling down the road, so I’m going to service that this winter while at home, the chassis batteries need to be on a stand along charger/maintainer when the coach is on shore power. Thanks for everyone’s advice!
  4. Just wondering if anyone has used this product or anything similar and your opinion of such a product? https://www.pulsetech.net/pp-12-l-powerpulse-12-volt-battery-maintenance-system.html Thanks!
  5. Please share with us what batteries you have. I have 4 6V Fullriver DC250’s that are 7 years old in a recently purchased Dynasty, 1 c-pape on at night and a couple of lights for using the camode,fridge is on LP, they last all night no problem but I’m wondering when it’s time to replace too!
  6. I recently purchased a used 05 Dynasty and the Full River 6v DC250 house batteries are 7 years old, I’ve been considering replacing them with the same or Lifeline. I have no opinion just trying to learn more…..
  7. I would be interested in seeing a picture of that @willbo777 ! Thank you!
  8. Could you please advise me as to where you got the new pressure switch from? Trying to diagnose my suspected non functioning auxiliary air system! Thank you!
  9. Just another ave for thr same light https://knodlojar.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=736653
  10. Curious as to we’re everyone is getting parts, this is all new to me, I checked the power to the compressor last night and it has power, now trying to get the pump to come on….. im assuming I’d have to level the coach then drain the air tanks and see what happens??? Thanks
  11. It might be beneficial to vacuum the backs of the heat exchanger with a soft bristles attachment for more air flow also. jmo
  12. A couple of things to consider in regards to tires, first learn how to read the tire date codes if you don’t know how, if tire expense is two great to replace all the tires at once start with the steer axle tires first for obvious reasons, then if your steer tires happen to be the youngest tires you have you can change out those for the oldest tires you have. Tires are like playing chess, what are you willing to loose, also consider collateral damage that could occur should you have a blow out, body damage, air bag damage, coach damage underneath, etc, etc……. Keep the tires inflated to recommend pressure, try not to be driving when it’s hot out, if you have to drive in the heat slow down a bit or leave earlier in the day and bet the heat! Not purchasing the tires you can’t afford in one shot my actually cost you more in the long run! Also during your updating and repairs consider how much you’re really going to use the coach, maybe your tires are sufficient for the time being until you can change out all at once and then hit the road, lots of things to consider! Jmo
  13. If you are close to a heavy truck dealer (Peterbilt, Kenworth, etc) they seem to have a fair assessment of fittings like that on hand.
  14. I personally think it’s an excellent alternative! Probably last a long time! Jmo!
  15. I just purchased a used 05 Monaco Dynasty, house batteries are 7 years old and still doing good, there are Fullriver DC250-6’s, lifeline would be a excellent choice also.
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