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Everything posted by Jdw12345

  1. I guess I’m going to have to ask what this is for? Sorry…….
  2. The egt also helps diagnose leaks in your “after-cooler” or also know as “charge air cooler”, if you have excessive leaks your temperature will rise, in turn your turbo and exhaust manifold will obviously run hotter and not produce max HP. All three of those gauges are related to some degree. Your exhaust temp will also show different temps depending on the probes location, pre turbo temps will absolutely be higher than post temps, on an average the difference would be about 300* hotter pre turbo. If you install a Pyrometer pre turbo make sure you get all of the drilling’s cleaned out, otherwise it’s headed for the turbine blades on the hot side of the turbo, not good! All of my trucks had the pyro probe after the turbo.
  3. Congratulations! You do know we’ll have to have pictures!
  4. How soon do you plan on purchasing new tires? You might have missed my edit including the link below. https://www.michelinb2b.com/wps/b2bcontent/PDF/RV_Tires_Brochure.pdf I was thinking the same as Bjohn ^^^^
  5. How old are the existing tires and how soon do you plan on purchasing new tires? Just curious as to your route back to Florida from Utah, is the coach in SLC? Not knowing what tires you are interested in but you can read about tires sizing in here . https://www.michelinb2b.com/wps/b2bcontent/PDF/RV_Tires_Brochure.pdf
  6. Is this what you are looking for? https://www.rvupgradestore.com/Kwikee-Heavy-Duty-22-Slide-Assembly-p/92-6933.htm?gclid=CjwKCAiAl-6PBhBCEiwAc2GOVPocMOc75sKs3pwR1TxUW34J_Xgks03W5XnJxGyYST_SV_1-Z_ijoBoCDVMQAvD_BwE
  7. Fwiw, the video is an ISL, and yes, it’s a different engine but I posted it to answer your question about general removal and working through the access panels in your coach VES removal of the cooling stack. The video was for general knowledge.
  8. Absolutely, without a question! Along with the turbo mounting bolts and any gaskets and o rings! This might be of some help too!
  9. Hoping this will help! https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/Kwikee/LC366328.html?feed=npn&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google | Smart Shopping - Accessories and Parts - Low Margin&adgroupid=99976847237&campaignid=9818208904&creative=430392848360&device=c&devicemodel=&feeditemid=&keyword=&loc_interest_ms=&loc_physical_ms=9020173&matchtype=&network=u&placement=&position=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAi9mPBhCJARIsAHchl1zIhaXOBzFU80q3K2IQrtADqGXJRAL5pw4_aWL74W6EpZ_NEHKPgywaAmktEALw_wcB
  10. By all means, please take pictures! I personally think if you have the time and know-how and remove the cooling stack I’d sure have the aftercooler tested! JMO
  11. I would drain the rear differential and see if you find anything……
  12. I would think you could make this work….. https://www.finditparts.com/products/295190/fleet-engineers-032-00342?srcid=CHL01SCL010-Npla-Dmdt-Gusa-Svbr-Mmuu-K295190-L287&gclid=Cj0KCQiAip-PBhDVARIsAPP2xc2K5tks07AM6gahiwRyjjLEO32XELj3xkPz45QwzWBMA9vs9lHtK00aAv20EALw_wcB
  13. Just call Cummins and ask for the correct part number, you’ll need the engine number to get the correct part number.
  14. This looks like the same system in our ready mix trks, it’s just advertised for rv’s, FWIW. https://store.doranmfg.com/pages/360rv?gclid=CjwKCAiArOqOBhBmEiwAsgeLmdAt5hTnh2WkWyOaccgKyZDkrT6VYHzx2jIvhtfyRDfKZiE10_ByKhoCRaIQAvD_BwE I had considered the system we have in our commercial trks. I would think that it would be more robust!
  15. That’s interesting, we have the Doran system on our construction commercial vehicles at work and they seem to work well, granted our system is only a couple of years old and 10 years newer, I was considered the Doran system for my newly purchased coach….. Thanks for the info!
  16. What kind of issues did you have with the Doran?
  17. That’s quite a job, I put a new combo washer/dryer in with the help of a friend of mine, big job carrying the old one out and the new one in! And we are both outdoor working men, you must have a sturdy wife sir!
  18. You should be able to hear it percolating after a couple of minutes of it being plugged in, our plug it in give it an hour then feel the thermostat housing, you should be able to feel some heat there. Obviously you shouldn’t have it running before hand! Like 6 hours!
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