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Russ R

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Everything posted by Russ R

  1. When I do this my 2003 Windsor is comparable to the 2003 Imperial.
  2. Get the number off your board and get a new one from Dinosaur Electronics. Better board than the Norcold. https://www.dinosaurelectronics.com/Nor_boards.htm
  3. Just like Richard said. I have a 2003 Windsor and the control box is mounted inside my compartment. It is on the wall of the compartment in front of my wet bay. Had this problem and it was a fuse in the control box.
  4. As stated: it is a small snap disk. It can be tested with an ohm meter. However mine was doing the same as what you are stating yours is doing. I tested it and it seemed to be ok but since the problem was intermittent, I decided to just replace it anyway. Now the heater works as it should. Mine was located at the back of the wet bay. A little hard to see and get to, above the drain pipes. I attached a picture of the disk. Ordered directly from the manufacturer.
  5. If they are Velvac. https://www.velvac.com/products/mirrors
  6. Find out which chassis it has. The trailing arm issue was only on the RR4R and R4R Roadmaster Chassis. Search it out there are several discussion's about it. If you have the FOUR air bag suspension and your trailing arm goes UNDER the AXLE= Neway OR R-Way= MAY, repeat MAY. BE SUBJECT TO THE RECALL/problem If you have the FOUR air bag suspension and your trailing arm goes OVER the AXLE= Reyco= no problem
  7. That was made by Trucklite. It is a model 544. It is no longer available and they do not make a replacement. Because mine went into a cutout in the wall, I just bought a larger fixture and mounted it over the hole on the surface.
  8. JC Refrigeration. https://jc-refrigeration.com/
  9. Mine came on. Took it to my mechanic who told me there was nothing wrong with the ABS. He said that there was no codes showing or stored. It is a circuit board that feeds the ABS light on the dashboard. The only thing it does is trigger the light. The circuit board is obsolete. So a replacement is not available. See attached picture of the board. I took the bad board to a local electronics company that repairs circuit boards. They told me that the "test button" was bad. They replaced the button and that took care of my problem. No more ABS light.
  10. Ivan K how did you replace the bulb? Aren't they a sealed unit?
  11. You can try Radwell. Don't know if they can help, but worth a try.They source new and surplus parts. https://www.radwell.com/en-US/
  12. Plastic but works. https://www.recpro.com/rv-fresh-water-fill-diverter-valve/?campaignid=10108288062&adgroupid=108054235620&keyword=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwteOaBhDuARIsADBqReg3ACtB6CDLaswMRpsWntmDeRrQUDw-8n59XyhvDWMinB2WgSkM38UaAsoxEALw_wcB
  13. You should be able to lock the door and bay doors by just entering 555 on the key pad.
  14. Try Shapeways. Here is the link https://www.shapeways.com/product/RY5L7XGEV/two-atwood-window-latch-short?fbclid=IwAR0M9rpZmV8aragrMlfgGPSiwgKKOUlTSFECkEjL5il5_3GNdwVCqCpH5Tk&optionId=256646760
  15. Just an FYI. My 2003 Windsor also had the lighted handle outside and the non-lighted one inside. My outside didn't light anymore (and it was looking really used and abused). So I was just going to put the better looking handle from the inside outside and wasn't worried about it being lighted. Well when I took the handle inside off to move it outside, it had wires just stuck inside it. I pulled them out, plugged them in and ....yep it has a light. I now have a great looking lighted Monaco handle outside.
  16. I installed Koni on the front of my Windsor. They are ok, but don't really see much difference than the Monroes that were the stock.
  17. You can try to find them at salvage yards. This link should help you. https://camperfaqs.com/rv-salvage-yards
  18. You can buy it with the link below https://shop.findmyrvparts.com/monaco-emblem-shield-exterior-p/190618.htm
  19. Nice work Patrick. While my keypad still works, a remote has always been something I was curious about. I will be doing this thanks to you. Great post with great directions. Russ R 2003 Monaco Windsor
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