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Russ R

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Everything posted by Russ R

  1. If need to troubleshoot your transfer switch. The troubleshooting and repair manual for the ES50M-65N is in the files section.
  2. That is old. I used (past tense) the BlueFire on a Windows Tablet. That is a work around to use it with Windows. Windows does not like BlueFire LLC and wants to block it's use.
  3. I just put the ES50M-65N Troubleshooting guide into the files section if you need it. But the "hum" is normal and sometimes louder than other times.
  4. If you open the awning fully. There should be a tag on the roller tube. It will have the serial number on it. Then you can call Carefree and get all the information you need. From what I have been told is that the difference is the spring. Omega II has a left side spring and the Omega has a right hand. standing in front of and looking at the awning.
  5. There are many different ones. You need the model of the slide. If you have a Power Gear slide, attached is a picture of what to look for. So more information is needed to figure out which one you need.
  6. I am not sure about yours, but some are 21- tooth. https://arcorpidaho.com/product-tag/368967?fbclid=IwAR1Tjg0LDMGSbdyJhucItSKJtNw62RWdWzN9LbAUbyC56mhN_F1OiEddSfw
  7. Mine did this before and it turned out the Fuel Filter needed to be changed. Once the filter was changed it worked fine.
  8. Get the Norcold Service Manual from the files section of this site and run the troubleshooting.
  9. Thank you for the heads up. My 750 has already been upgraded in 2009. It's a 750 EMS with the 760 Boards and display. Russ
  10. Good evening. 2003 Windsor. Need to replace the circuit board on my Intellitec 750 EMS. Before I go to the usuals, (yes I know M&M and all the other distributors). I was wondering if @pwhittle or @Frank McElroy had an extra for sale. Just trying to keep our parts in group if possible. Let me say AGAIN I don't need suggestions on troubleshooting or someplace to send mine for repair, unless Paul, Frank or someone within this group wants and has the capability to repair it. If so, you can message me. Thank You Russ
  11. There should be a serial number on the awnings somewhere. All of mine (a 2003) have serial numbers. Most are on the inner part of the covers. If you can find the serial numbers Carefree can tell you everything about the awning, including the original material color.
  12. Martinvz gave great directions. You can PM him by clicking on his large initial (at the top left of his answer) then click on the message at the top.
  13. Your ABS/ATC light should come on at start up and shut off when you reach air pressure and step on the brake.
  14. On my 2003 Windsor, it is because of the ABS/ATC Board located in the FRB. It is no longer available. I have been told that it can be sent to KIB and be repaired. It looks like the picture that I attached. I have removed it and cleaned it and it works for a couple of months. Then it comes back on.
  15. Love my MicroAir Thermostat. Best upgrade ever.
  16. I believe that this is what you need to re-attach it. https://vipih.com/products/rv-ladder-repair-kit-nuts-stainless-bunk-motorhome-parts-camper-trailer-coach?currency=USD&variant=37197711442085&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&stkn=6a6d9b3e549d&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAr8eqBhD3ARIsAIe-buM7mEyFf6N7LnDVdM1qk8slFWhC_s6Ix4GI1R0eff4DqVWwuYuMYIcaAphHEALw_wcB
  17. You can try Visone for a used one or seethe attached pdf from FMCA Tech Department. They offer up a couple of alternat options, but I don't know if they work. 2006 Monaco Camelot 42-DSQ (1).pdf
  18. Wash & wax myself, unless traveling in bad weather. Then will do a commercial truck wash, like Blue Beacon. Wax twice a year with Meguiar's NXT Generation Tech Wax 2.0
  19. Each unit should have it's own temperature sensor. I only have 2 units on 1 thermostat. The front unit (zone 1) works off of the sensor that is in the t-stat because it is up front. The rear unit has a separate temperature sensor (zone 2) in the bedroom.
  20. I have had the same problem with Amazon. Canceled my Prime and look elsewhere before ordering. If I truly need it in a rush, I will order from someone I can talk to, and pay to have it shipped overnight. Would rather spend a little more and not have the aggravation.
  21. It is probably a fuse somewhere. The 12volts to the slide switch, seems on most units, to be shared with something else. Find out what other 12 volt item isn't working and you should find it. In my case a 2003 Windsor the power for the slide switches was shared with the water pump. Since I was hooked up to city water, it took me a while to figure it out. Once I went to turn on the water pump and it didn't work, found a in-line fuse that was blown and then the water pump and the slides worked. Good luck.
  22. Not sure if this will help, but see the attachedCopy of 1 A 2006 Monaco Dynasty wiring diagram.pdf
  23. I got mine from here: I think this guy prints them on a 3D printer. https://www.hitchweb.com/product/88/6562/7-Blade-Emulator-simulates-trailer-brake-magnets-for-brake-control-setup
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