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Gauges not working


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My oil gauge was intermittent for a while then went out. I thought it was a ground issue but couldn't find it. Now the oil, Tach, voltage gauges are not working. 

I have jumped a good ground wire to the ground on the oil and voltage but it didn't help. I have checked the fuses in the battery bay and don't see anything blowed.

 I don't know where to look so if anyone has  a  question or any suggestion how to track this down  let me know. 

2003 Monaco Diplomat



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I had my oil pressure gauge act up and my trans "check light" come on recently. After checking several things I finally found one of the plugs that connected several wires back in the engine compartment had corrosion and build up oil and grease and they were not making connect. After a good cleaning things worked. Good luck.   Things like this can drive you crazy.    

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On early 2000 Monaco oil pressure sender was not a analog device. Strictly idiot light type sender. If it fails your gauge will show zero. If engine keeps running you have at least 15psi oil pressure. This was explained to me by Diesel Tech at West Sacramento Truck. 

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Thanks for the replies. Voltage, oil, and tach still not working. I have checked the ground (white) and it is OK. I have NO voltage from the red to white on the gauge itself with key turned on. Have looked everywhere for a loose plug or wire and can't find anything. The wiring diagram shows wires from the gauges going to the ignition sw ,but all wires coming out of the ignition sw. are white.  don't know where to go next. It seems like it is a loose connection somewhere because oil gauge went out first then tach and voltage. It could be two different problems.  Any helpful ideas. I have not disconnected the battery as Mr Ambassador suggested, I will do that later. 



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On 8/29/2021 at 3:23 PM, Ivan K said:

Could the positive be coming from ignition solenoid in FRB that might have failed? When mine was going out, it would also effect dash fan a cruise. Different coach so just a wild guess.

Good idea from IvanK so I found the Ignition relay(omron 7866) there were several on that board so I took the brake light one out and put it in the ignition and no luck. There is one in the back bay but not labeled so don't know which one it is. I have checked all the fuses that I have found and wires and don't see anything wrong. I don't know if the cruise control is working but Tach, oil, and voltage not working.

Still open to suggestions and still searching.

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I once had a single wire chewed apart between dash and FRB, right by the floor conduit. One out of a hundred in the bundle. It was for ABS retard but the point is, if I did not have a tone tracer, I would still be looking for it. Maybe something to try to help you figure out where the other end of the positive lead goes?

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Thank you all for all the help finding my dash gauges problem. I had narrowed it down to a fuse so I checked all the fuses and the last one that was hidden under components was the blowed one (easy one to overlook).

So now I have all gauges working except the oil gauge and I think that is the sending unit.

Thanks again


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