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No wires to 7 pin socket on back of Safari Cheetah

Go to solution Solved by Tom Cherry,

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Can anyone help me find the wiring diagram for a 2004 Safari Cheetah 38 PDQ 7 pin wiring harness on back of coach fir toad lights. I have Identified right turn, left turn, brake lights and running light wires. I don't know what pin they belong on. I have separate brake lights and turn signal lights.




This post was used to create a duplicate topic on the same issue.  That is a violation of site rules.  It has been combined, along with the responses, into a single topic.  


Can anyone help me find the wiring diagram for a 2004 Safari Cheetah 38 PDQ 7 pin wiring harness on back of coach fir toad lights. I have Identified right turn, left turn, brake lights and running light wires. I don't know what pin they belong on. I have separate brake lights and turn signal lights.

I have a Roadmaster Nighthawk tow bar with a 7 pin to 6 pin wire harness.

Thanks for any help.



  • Solution

OK…. Need to clarify your request.  The 7 pin layout posted is the “MONACO” STANDARD.  We don’t have access to a copy of your manual.  Look in your manual.  I think it will be section 9.  Whichever section is labeled as “CHASSIS ELECTRICAL”.  

You CANNOT wire up a TOAD with a 5 wire (park, left turn, right turn, STOP & Ground) system or NEED. without adding a conversion device.

Download and printout the pictures of the harness end. This is what you have.


You have to wire the Ground and “Charging” pins directly to the TOAD.  Purchase a 20A “RESTTING or AUTO RESET” circuit breaker for the 12 VDC charging to protect your battery.  

I have tried to find a FOUR WIRE to FIVE WIRE Trailer conversion module.  That is an ABNORMAL unit.  All you see is units that were designed to adapt a 5 wire system like you have on your TOAD and be able to tow a 4 wire trailer.  Your Monaco is the ORIGINAL 4 wire system.

Look at the picture on page 3.  The BOTTOM one is how MOST PEOPLE wire us a 5 wire (ground, LT, RT, Park, STOP) vehicle.  You will need 4 diodes from Roadmaster and a 25 foot “trailer wiring” or 4 wires from the front to the rear. ACTUALLY, you can run only 3 wires, but MOST will run 4 so  there is a GOOD Ground.

You run the MH LT and RT to the Tail/Stop light wires. You run the Parking light wire to the OTHER filament of that bulb.  ODDS ARE…there is a 3 wire harness going to the bulb’s socket. You may have to remove the taillight or find the socket (that has the bulb in it) and remove or twist and remove from the housing.  This is what you do to replace a burned out bulb.

Use a VOM on continuity (ohms) and probe the back of the socket where there is a bare wire and find the Ground.  Next…then turn on the parking lights and find that signal using the meter on 12 VDC.  So NOW you know which wire is which.

You will need a Ratcheting Crimper (kit or bag of terminals) from Amazon.  This is the EASIEST for someone that might not be proficient at a “squeeze” crimper….also easier on the hands. $30 or so…buy the top rated one.  I would also get a pack of BLUE 3M ScotchLok connectors….Lowes has them. Actually the Roadmaster comes with female connectors….I just like spares and you keep the crimper in the MH as you, WILL, need it sometime….trust me…

NOW you go back abbojt 4 - 6” from the socket….maybe more as you are splicing in a diode on each wire and you need to be able to plug back in the socket to,the housing.  CUT the Parking Light wire.  On the bulb side…crimp a female connector on and it goes to the single one….read the label. Then the MH wire (STOP/TURN) wire gets a terminal.  It don’t matter which of the other two. Finally, put a connextor on the TOAD wire and hookup.  That’s it.

YOU DO NOT MESS with or cut or wire into the AMBER TURN SIGNAL BULB…..

NOW….some folks do NOT understand.  You MUST USE THE DIODES….otherwise, the MH will run or backfeed voltage and POTENTIALLY damage the electronics in the TOAD.  Maybe not, but WHY RISK IT?? 

OR….buy the Magnetic Light Kit and put two lights on the top or the trunk….just make sure it is NOT aluminum or plastic, like my Vette.

That’s it.  

Good luck





That connector doesn't look too good.  That said, here's a standard 7 pin truck-trailer connector pinout:



Happy wiring.

- bob


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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your responses. I should have mentioned that I'm putting in a new 7 pin harness plug. See attached picture.



You can follow the convention or wire it to match the toad if you not towing anything else. When I used to tow my trailer with a race car, I had the brake wire intentionally miswired with tail lights to prevent theft, at least at night. Would have been better to swap with aux charging but not all vehicles are wired for that.

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