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A Request from the Moderators regarding correcting others...

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After having to mediate a dispute between two members that got out of hand today, I'd like to make a request...

If you feel the need to correct someone's grammar, spelling, or punctuation, you have two options:

1. Send a private message to that person.  (Click on their user name, then click message in the upper right hand of their profile)


2. "Report" it to the moderators (Click on the three little dots in the upper right hand corner of the post, click "Report") and we'll handle it.

That said, if the correction is a technical issue (especially if it could cause harm to a person or a coach), don't hesitate to point it out.  You can post in that thread or use one of the two options above (as the moderators are volunteers, actually like to spend time on our coaches, and aren't watching every post 24/7.) 

Said differently, protection of life and property is our first concern.

We're all here to HELP each other with our coaches, and we have a very diverse membership. What may seem like a friendly public correction to one might be very embarrassing to another. Let's keep the focus on that; not grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

End of lecture 402...


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Everyone will be fuming trying to pick apart spelling, grammar, punctuation, if you read what I’m trying to say.

I’m old, but young enough on the inter web that the whole proper sentence structure has been lost with the advent of texting. It’s just gone.

I’m too busy to proof read when I post, so I’ll edit throughout the day when I get a few mins. 

IDK, with things so crazy anymore, sentence structure seems an odd thing to throw shade at, but getting mad and offended these days is the new “norm”. 

Here’s a topic that will bring me back from the brink of destruction: fishing 

So if I seem mad, insulting, angry, a jerk, etc., just ask me how the fishing is and my mind forgets everything and goes to Pleasent thoughts of big trout and salmon. 

long rant, sorry, 

Here to LEARN and LAUGH in either order


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On 3/27/2021 at 10:58 PM, Scotty Hutto said:

After having to mediate a dispute between two members that got out of hand today, I'd like to make a request...

If you feel the need to correct someone's grammar, spelling, or punctuation, you have two options:

1. Send a private message to that person.  (Click on their user name, then click message in the upper right hand of their profile)


2. "Report" it to the moderators (Click on the three little dots in the upper right hand corner of the post, click "Report") and we'll handle it.

That said, if the correction is a technical issue (especially if it could cause harm to a person or a coach), don't hesitate to point it out.  You can post in that thread or use one of the two options above (as the moderators are volunteers, actually like to spend time on our coaches, and aren't watching every post 24/7.) 

Said differently, protection of life and property is our first concern.

We're all here to HELP each other with our coaches, and we have a very diverse membership. What may seem like a friendly public correction to one might be very embarrassing to another. Let's keep the focus on that; not grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

End of lecture 402...


I agree this is no place for squabbles. Take it private please.

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I would like to relate a story here that drives home what Scotty said.

I knew a guy who had a stroke. He was an awesome individual and he wanted to get back into the online community as it was his only source of engagement with people. It also was great mental therapy being on a computer. The problem was when he joined a couple online RV communities he had members that brought up his lack of grammar and spelling. It was embarrassing to him. Sadly this gentleman was doing all he could to recover from his stroke which caused brain damage to his cognitive center. He ended his participation because of a few ruthless people.

I find it sad when someone goes after another individual who lacks grammar, punctuation or spelling skills. It is a pet peeve of mine. No one ever knows what someone on a keyboard may be suffering from. Pointing out their lack of skills in writing is heartless and shows that individual has an ego that needs to be displayed to make himself feel good about himself. I see little difference between correcting someones spelling/grammar and dumping someone out of a wheelchair because they cannot walk. If you feel the need to correct peoples English skills may I suggest you get a job teaching at a local high school.

The vast majority of our members here have compassion for one another. Unfortunately there is always one whose ego writes checks his rear end cannot cash. Thank you Scotty for addressing this. As the Grandfather of an amazing Grandson who suffers cognitive disabilities I get extremely irate over issues like this. Nuff said.

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Guest Ray Davis

Chris,  I agree .   We should think of how the other person may take what we say.   Once we spit out something we can apologize but we can't get those words back.

It doesn't have to be grammar, bulling of any kind is wrong and hurtful.  It says a lot about the person doing it.

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1 hour ago, throgmartin said:

I would like to relate a story here that drives home what Scotty said.

I knew a guy who had a stroke. He was an awesome individual and he wanted to get back into the online community as it was his only source of engagement with people. It also was great mental therapy being on a computer. The problem was when he joined a couple online RV communities he had members that brought up his lack of grammar and spelling. It was embarrassing to him. Sadly this gentleman was doing all he could to recover from his stroke which caused brain damage to his cognitive center. He ended his participation because of a few ruthless people.

I find it sad when someone goes after another individual who lacks grammar, punctuation or spelling skills. It is a pet peeve of mine. No one ever knows what someone on a keyboard may be suffering from. Pointing out their lack of skills in writing is heartless and shows that individual has an ego that needs to be displayed to make himself feel good about himself. I see little difference between correcting someones spelling/grammar and dumping someone out of a wheelchair because they cannot walk. If you feel the need to correct peoples English skills may I suggest you get a job teaching at a local high school.

The vast majority of our members here have compassion for one another. Unfortunately there is always one whose ego writes checks his rear end cannot cash. Thank you Scotty for addressing this. As the Grandfather of an amazing Grandson who suffers cognitive disabilities I get extremely irate over issues like this. Nuff said.

So true Thanks

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/27/2021 at 10:59 PM, Dennis H said:

I, too, have thick skin and broad shoulders. That said, I agree, a PM beats any snarky comments to each other....Dennis

I have to!

My advise is like throwing darts!

I only occasionally hit the board :classic_cool:!

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