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Where do you buy your oil and fuel filters ?

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Back in the early 2000's, Bill D became a air filter distributor to help the then Monaco owners.  I remember him posting that when the Roadmaster plant ran out of air filters of a given size that they installed a smaller one.  He would drop ship the air filter at his cost including shipping.  He always told a coach owner to check their manual for the correct part number.  He told people that as far as the filter reminder was concerned, it was about as good as a raincoat in a bathtub.  Chuck B 2004 Windsor

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On 10/7/2021 at 7:48 AM, Chuck B 2004 Windsor said:

Back in the early 2000's, Bill D became a air filter distributor to help the then Monaco owners.  I remember him posting that when the Roadmaster plant ran out of air filters of a given size that they installed a smaller one.  He would drop ship the air filter at his cost including shipping.  He always told a coach owner to check their manual for the correct part number.  He told people that as far as the filter reminder was concerned, it was about as good as a raincoat in a bathtub.  Chuck B 2004 Windsor

Mine came with an 11" Dia. Eco-Lite undersize air filter, starving for air the first mountain trip.  I could zero the filter minder and it would go into the red on the first acceleration.  Replaced with 13.5" Dia. Eco-Lite filter Parker Racor 062891003 (WIX 46895) which solved the problem.

The filter minder may not be the best solution but it is what we all have, isn't it?  It does show restrictions.

ECO-LITE Air Filters.pdf

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