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Everything posted by veraken

  1. The guru for flooring is Ernie Ekberg. Join his group and you can see pictures of coaches he has done. He is very forthcoming in answering any questions you have. https://groups.io/g/ErnieEkbergFlooring/photos Per Ernie, glued down, engineered hardwood flooring is the way to go. I replaced all of my carpeting with hand scraped engineered hardwood flooring. With the hand scraped, you can easily repair any nicks, etc. and it blends in. We glued the flooring down. One thing I learned in doing this is that because of the confined space, it is much easier to back butter each piece rather than spread the glue across the floor.
  2. Here's the Atwood service manual. Hope it helps. Atwood Furnace Manual.pdf
  3. Don't know if this will solve your problem but I had a problem on shore power where my chassis batteries were only being charged at @ 12.5v or less. After investigation I found that it was due to a bad temp sensor on my inverter ( I have a Trace RV2012) to the battery. I disconnected the temp sensor. I talked to Xantrex and they do not have a replacement for my unit and they said just leave it disconnected - not needed.
  4. This is what I bought to replace mine. https://www.nwrvsupply.com/product/chrome-screen-door-latch-34990037/
  5. I had a problem when I was on shore power where my chassis batteries were only being charged at @ 12.5v or less. After investigation I found that it was due to a bad temp sensor from my inverter ( I have a Trace RV2012) to the battery. I just disconnect the temp sensor. I talked to Xantrex and they do not have a replacement for my unit and they said just leave it disconnected - not needed.
  6. I agree. The rubber deteriorates over time. I replaced mine with these - Haldex 48100367. https://www.napaonline.com/en/p/MBI48100367
  7. I replaced mine with the following part from Autozone https://www.autozone.com/electrical-and-lighting/window-motor/p/dorman-oe-solutions-window-motor-742-277/54847_0_0 Check your motor orientation. Here is same motor with reversed orientation https://www.autozone.com/electrical-and-lighting/window-motor/p/dorman-oe-solutions-window-motor-742-276/54846_0_0 Here's a pdf that may help Kwikee Step Troubleshooting Guide.pdf
  8. Suggest you contact Paul at AZPETE on the Irv2 forum. He works for HWH and can answer your questions. His email is pfmaddox@att.net and his phone number is 602-549-3638. He is a Commercial Member and has posted that his phone is always on, and if not answered, leave a message. He has helped others, including me, on this forum and I am sure he can help you.
  9. I did something similar. This is what I used. I added a thermal switch and an on/off switch to the circuit as well. https://www.amazon.com/ARCTIC-F12-Pack-Standard-Computer/dp/B092ZV2MGL/ref=dp_prsubs_sccl_1/144-8863835-0869244?pd_rd_w=Ng4dJ&content-id=amzn1.sym.53e0c629-1936-47cb-93a2-c361b12e7d3c&pf_rd_p=53e0c629-1936-47cb-93a2-c361b12e7d3c&pf_rd_r=5Y7HBY2D44EWZZ7A6EZE&pd_rd_wg=d6zKA&pd_rd_r=666f6cff-6bea-45bc-9b17-550f6ffc5f2f&pd_rd_i=B092ZV2MGL&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LWCQAWN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0026RYU4W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/mankk-Switch-Rocker-Trailers-KCD2-7-201-B1-DZ/dp/B09FSGR7ZH/ref=sr_1_49_sspa?crid=3OX52GR4ZDBZE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xsQYIa2i0j47L3UYwLoxspc044LVxSwb3xzinPD-Tk1bH8IXzX8NYh6B4MHqShbWVHS3NIbduFqTprD_wspLGIxZhUU6DA-vv-iJlmsByO2PeFPFdqylguS6vYnPtqRyXpd-xG9-dC29NtNgje_vZfGoTHbQMn-WcJPqMnuLOUQMqluLWszbdxDM2_UZs9xU.juixTwmMjwy2zzmtIx4uJenbgv-XuutSAg1ohuP8Th8&dib_tag=se&keywords=12v+rocker+switch+on+off&qid=1709645231&sprefix=12v+rocker+switch%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-49-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9idGY&psc=1
  10. X2 on above. This is what I purchased. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00I8OH1VQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  11. There is no price listed on their website. You have to request a quote. https://coach-net.com/tire-and-wheel-protection/
  12. I also have Coach-Net. I recently signed-up for their Road Hazard Protect program for 6 years. Total cost for 6 years was $502 or @ $85.00/year. Hazard Protect Coverage includes: Sign and drive, no deductible Up to 2 tire replacements per year (no limit on cost) Up to 2 wheel damage repairs per year (up to $300 max) discounted rate of $340 for 1 year or $502 for 6 years.
  13. Suggest you contact Paul at AZPETE on the Irv2 forum. He works for HWH and can answer your questions. His email is pfmaddox@att.net and his phone number is 602-549-3638. He is a Commercial Member of that forum and has posted that his phone is always on, and if not answered, leave a message. He has helped others, including me, and I am sure he can help you.
  14. Here's the air diagram for a 2006 Signature. I would guess that yours is the same. 2006 Signature Air Schematic.pdf
  15. Here's are 2 good sources. Give them a call and see what they suggest based upon your present system/wiring. http://www.rvcams.com/ https://www.rearviewsafety.com/
  16. Here is another good source for a replacement. https://www.qualitypowerauto.com/category_139/RV-Alternators.htm If you are getting it as a spare, get it WITH the pully, it will save you alot of trouble.
  17. Here is a pdf for a 1999 Monaco Executive. Some of it may be similar to your MH. Hope it helps. 1999 Monaco Executive Wiring Diagrams.pdf
  18. Just recently had to replace the ride height linkage on my MH. This is what I used. https://www.napaonline.com/en/p/MBI48100367?impressionRank=1
  19. If you can't find a local shop, here is a source that can make exactly what you need. https://www.batterycablesusa.com/
  20. I replaced mine with the following part from Autozone https://www.autozone.com/collision-body-parts-and-hardware/window-lift-motor/p/dorman-window-lift-motor-dl42277flrr2m/54847_0_0 Check your motor orientation. Here is same motor with reversed orientation https://www.autozone.com/collision-body-parts-and-hardware/window-lift-motor/p/dorman-window-lift-motor-dl42276frrl2m/54846_3953393_0?searchText=742-276
  21. Here is a pdf on bushing replacement & latch adjustment. Hope it helps Door Bushing Replacement & Latch Adjustment.pdf
  22. Hi Jim, just one further question. In looking at the JG Lubricants site, I see they have a Basic, Advanced, and Ultimate Analysis Kit. Which do you recommend/use ?
  23. I took a different approach. Stripped out the ballast and bulbs, and installed these into the fixture https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09QY8ZHM3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 This is where I got the original idea from.
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