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Is your silverleaf distracting

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So as of yesterday i just recived a silverleaf unit that im planning on installing soon, however i have slept on the matter. I have tried to think of a place where the screen can go that 1. Wont attract attention from police for distracted driving or the no good nicks who think they want it more than i do. Or 2, im reminded of if its in my line of sight, that if its continually refreshing itself does it distract you? If so where are your mounting locations? Does it create a distraction when your driving? What have you done to “conceal” the wires that are associated with this device? And do you have on whenever your driving or only when you suspect a issue or circumstance that might require scrutiny? Like climbing a steep hill or pulling a heavy trailer?

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Whenever I drive I have it on. My laptop screen can fold completely back so then it is like a tablet. Then I use a Ram mount for a tablet. I have a usb mouse and usb keyboard in case I need to do something (like add fuel).

I have mine mounted to the left side - just left of the A pillar. It partially covers the top left switch’s on the dash - but I don’t use those switches much while driving- fans, fog lights, block heater. 

No one outside the rig can see the screen to know what’s on it. Because it’s a Ram mount I often take it down when parked - because I want to play on the computer. I figure if a  cop stops me I can show him the screen - speed, temp, etc isn’t going to get him excited. 

The speedometer on the rig is wildly off (often 15 mph high). The silver leaf matches the Garmin so I use it for speed. 

A picture is worth a 1000 words….


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I use a floor mount system for vehicles.  I have it mounted to the left of the steering wheel.  I can tilt it up/down, I doubt anyone can see it considering the height.  I use a Microsft Surface Go 2 tablet and set it so it doesn't go to sleep as long as the Silverleaf is connected, prior to this I used a small Sony Viao laptop that would go to sleep unless I kept it active by swiping my finger across the touch pad. 

The gauges are all real time so they don't actually refresh.   I do have a couple of alarms setup for low oil pressure, high engine temp, high transmission temp, and speed.  

Here's an older picture with the Sony laptop which has now been replaced with a Microsoft Surface Go 2 tablet which lays flat,  You can kind of see the type of mount I used.  I also added a 12 volt outlet that I use a small inverter in to power the tablet.   I will probably use a short extension cord to the outlet in the slide since I now run the inverter for the refrigerator. 



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My Silverleaf setup is NOT a distraction but one of the most important tools I use when traveling the highways. It is on ALL the time until we reach our destination for the night. The dash analog gauges are not as accurate as I wanted them to be, so I installed the SilverLeaf VMSpc in my previous Windsor back in 2010 and moved it to my Dynasty that we recently purchased.

The VMSpc has so many more capabilities that it was a no-brainer for me to install it. I will not move my coach unless the SilverLeaf is active. It is also a far better viewing system than the dash Aladdin System that is in my Dynasty.

Here are a few photos of my Windsor installation and one of the Dynasty which I installed basically in the very same location.

I have never worried about it growing legs or any LEO or customs agent questioning what it is. I have been using it for the past 12 years and would never be without it.




SilverLeaf Dynasty-1.jpg

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Ok so i went to link it to my coach an discovered i had the wrong connector, so the adapter will be here tommorrow. Now i need to find a way to mount it, there are several different types and im not wanting to damage the dash material. Any suggestions will be much appreciated😎

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I have mine running Silverleaf and my tire pressure monitoring system on a dedicated windows tablet right next to my GPS and rear view camera monitor.  Whenever I'm driving, the systems are running and I can see basically everything I need looking just to the upper right of the steering wheel.



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22 hours ago, Rikadoo said:

Ok so i went to link it to my coach an discovered i had the wrong connector, so the adapter will be here tommorrow. Now i need to find a way to mount it, there are several different types and im not wanting to damage the dash material. Any suggestions will be much appreciated😎

I used 3M double stick auto body side molding tape stuck to the dash right above the rear view monitor.  7 years ago and still holding.


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Morning Frank, hey that looks awsome, just a couple more questions if you dont mind… i dont see any wire from your screen, is yours wifi or ? What i have to see mine with is a old laptop, heavy an bulky, with no keyboard how do you perform any changes or ? An lastly when you are runnin down the road how often does your unit refresh, yesterday as i was running mine i would change rpm an it took almost 8 seconds before the screen would show what i did, im thinking my computer is getting S L O W… thank you

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I went with a floor mount that I mounted next to the drivers side console.  It is adjustable in height but I have set as high as will go.  I added a bracket to the side of the console which helps stabilize the stand.  The tray swivels up/down and the whole thing rotates so I have lots of flexibility to adjust the display.  It works very good and being off to the side it doesn't inhibit my view forward, I look at it when I want to.   I bought this off Ebay and looked and they have a bunch of different styles out there in a wide range of prices. 

As a side note I have a separate stand the I have my tire pressure display and GPS mounted.  It is mounted to the side of the small center console in the center of the dash, still within reach but out of the way.  It also swivels so if the wife wants to change or look for something on the GPS she can from her seat. 

Other then at initial start up I seldom look at my dash gauges. 

While the system is active it really doesn't refresh, it just constantly displays the different readings.  My old Sony laptop would want to shut down unless I reached up and swiped the touch pad.  My new table doesn't do that, it stays active.  I found it easier on the tablet to use a plug in mouse to setup/change the screen, using the screen was a PITA.  But once it's set up you don't have to fool with it and it doesn't have to be plugged into the data cable to do that. 

Edited by jacwjames
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2 hours ago, Rikadoo said:

Morning Frank, hey that looks awsome, just a couple more questions if you dont mind… i dont see any wire from your screen, is yours wifi or ? What i have to see mine with is a old laptop, heavy an bulky, with no keyboard how do you perform any changes or ? An lastly when you are runnin down the road how often does your unit refresh, yesterday as i was running mine i would change rpm an it took almost 8 seconds before the screen would show what i did, im thinking my computer is getting S L O W… thank you

The display is actually a Windows tablet.  The screen is a touch keypad.  It boots up like a Windows computer.  I click on one icon to start up Silver Leaf and the pressure pro tire pressure monitoring software.  In less that a minute you get the display screen as shown.

I had the old RS232 Silver Leaf interface that I added a small Bluetooth circuit board internal to the old RS232 box.  I also added Bluetooth to the pressure pro interface.  Upon starting the software, both Bluetooth devices are set to automatically connect.  Behind the GPS is a hole with 3 cables to power the GPS, Tablet Display and the Dashcam.  That's how I did it without any visible cables.

I do pay a bit more attention to the display when pulling grades to monitor boost pressure, power generation and temps.  Screen updates are real time.  There is no data lag.

Most of the screen is color coded like tire pressures.  All green is good but all pressures are displayed in case I want to know values.  The line chart to the left plots tire pressure history since the last engine start.

I like this setup because I can see everything I need in real time with both hands on the wheel.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so it appears im doing this in stages, due to the connection point of the vehicle my plug is different than than the one on the silverleaf, so i purchased a “adapter” so between the adapter and the stiff cord for the VMspec it really clutters the area by my left foot. So thinking this out i remembered there is a diagnostic port in the Left front wheel cabnit, so i decided im gonna secure all the componits there, then i bought a 15 ft usb cord that i will route from the cabnit up to the dash area… NOW the next part is when reading thru the specifics of needs from silverleaf i was of the understanding it would not allow certain computers because of there software incompatibility. So choosing my next computer for its size an wieght will be important.

Then all this has been interrupted with return to the workforce (in part to the current administration $6.50 a gallon) as well as i believe being retired for a few years i was about to crack the code in learning how to speak DOG🤦‍♂️

Yesterday i brought my rig to the shop an installed my Safety steer, as well as recovered all my freon from the drivers ac to check to see if it was low, then recharge it to spec, so hopefully i can get back to installing the Silverleaf. It sounds like im gonna call them to see just which types of computer i can now use, then from there decide on my mounting system. Any more my projects appear to be 85% thinking about it with the remainder spread between doing an procrastinating🙀

Seems latley my RV has been mixed somewhere between therapy, hobby, and actual using it to go somewhere. As a side note i have been involved in obtaining my class B non commercial drivers licence for the last several months, however i have hit a stumbling block, i got my physical✔️, i have takin both the class A recertification, AND the class B test successfully✔️, however NOW i need to do my driving test…. Which is not a problem, however Ca insists i have a person with a current class A driver with a current physicle with me??? Im sure you all know just how hard it is to find someone with those credentials that is willing to take the time off to do that for me🤦‍♂️ Seems this life for me is all about overcoming challanges… I apologize about all the ramblings however there are times i know success is always at my fingertips just a smige out of my reach an that its all about time till i can achieve my goals.

I hope all your journeys are happy an adventurous an filled with excitement👍😎and most important is remember to laugh and OUT LOUD, no matter how crazy things get😂😂😂

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Do they really have a legal right to ID the person beside you for no good reason in your state? TX has the same permit conditions but I drove myself to the test with wife beside me and they never asked. Also did not need physical exam for a non-commercial license. Wish I could get class A but since I only have a 10k hitch, not possible. Class B it is. Good luck.

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This is what it says on the Silverleaf webiste regarding hardware.  https://silverleafelectronics.com//?page_id=2434

"We welcome your input and encourage you to tell us what you’d like to see in future versions of VMSpc. System Requirements -Windows – Any version except ‘RT’ -Any hardware, tablet, notebook or luggable produced since 1997 – Available full-size USB-A Port. This is a product for Windows-Based computers aka “PCs”  It is not Apple or Android tablet compatible. It may be used via Fusion, VMware on your Apple notebook or Wine with Linux derivatives, however. "

I have run the system on a Sony Viao which I believe was Windows 7, ran in a Dell XPS windows 10&11, and currently using a Microsoft Tablet Surface Go 2.    My last trip the tablet worked great, didn't drop out once, didn't go to sleep.  I bought the Go 2 tablet off ebay, open box special for ~$250.  I actually like it better as far as viewing since it lays flat. 


No idea on getting a Class A or B license, TN doesn't require them.  But when I went to get my motorcycle license I had to have some else drive it there, what a pain, I asked ahead of time and they watched as I pulled in. 

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So as far as the licence goes im at that point where i will risk it going by myself. In the 80s i used to have a class A however they then started requiring everyone had to have physicles so i got rid of it an returned to a C.

As far as the silverleaf i have called the company, they are sending me the correct cable to match my diagnostic port. The after talking with them about computer requiremends i ordered tablet that should work just awsome. So hopefully since i caught up on my honey doos i can put a little more time into my coach! Funney how a good deal on a silverleaf has turned into a expensive involved project🤦‍♂️More to follow as it develops

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When I returned from my trip last Friday as I was shutting everything down my Microsoft Surface Go 2 tablet said I had an update and gave me an option of doing the update before shutting down.  So I did.

Well, I went back out the coach on Saturday and the tablet was in a perpetual start mode.  It would try to start with the Windows emblem popping up and the circular rotating sign underneath but then shutdown and a little while later try to do it again.

I tried everything to get it to stop, letting the battery run down, doing a hard reboot and nothing works. 

Searches on the internet indicate this must be a common problem and say to download a start program on a USB flash drive and use it to start.  I have to go buy a drive and try it.  

Just another day in the life of a coach owner.

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From an automotive infotainment career perspective (Advanced Engineering lead for FCA's Uconnect group), all of those user interface pictures in this thread are totally distracting.  Way too much irrelevant information presented in small fonts and charts / graphs and what not.  Multiple screens with different UI's, colors, intents, etc.   That's the official response.  NHTSA would have a field day if a car OEM suggested to add that.

As a hobbyist, fun stuff.

From a safety / distraction perspective: Hands on Wheel, Eyes on Road.  Consider eliminating the cool stuff from the important stuff on the screens.  Consider consolidating information to one primary screen.  Consider no popups unless it's important to safety / vehicle reliability.  You don't need TPMS information shown unless there is a problem.  You don't need to know how much HP your engine is putting out at all while driving.  Simplify...

Edited by DavidL
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