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2006 8.3 isc changing fuel filters (Baldwin Filters)

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Changed secondary filter first, prefilled according to filter, on off key 3 times engine started, changed primary filter the same way, turned key 3 times started engine ran fine walk to back of coach and engine died, did the key off and on 10 times could hear the pump run and stop each time, try to start engine cranks but won't fire, thoughts.

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I just do the key on/ off for a few more cycles, then just let the engine turn over till it fires.

Sometimes takes 15-20sec of cranking. If it hadn't fired after 30sec, I would stop and allow the starter motor to cool for a while, but mine has always been running again before I had to do that!

Edited by 96 EVO
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To this day after owning my Windsor since 2003 and now owning my Dynasty since 2022, I have never had to change fuel filters myself. I do carry spares just in case though. Every time I have new fuel filters installed they always prefill the filters with clean diesel. The engine has always started and has never been a problem ever.

The only time I had fuel problems was when I let the fuel tank get too low and ran out of fuel in my Windsor. Luckily I was able to coast right up to a diesel pump and proceeded to pump 101 gallons of fuel into the tank. I had to start the engine maybe 3-4 times before the engine would continue to run. From that day forward I always start looking for fuel after two days of travel before parking for the night. That way I will always have enough fuel for the Aqua-Hot and generator to use whenever I need them.

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3 hours ago, det944 said:

Good info, I have all new filters for my Cummins but have been putting it off because of the possibility of inducing air into the system.

Change one filter at a time, with a short 5min engine run in between.

Primary (water separating) filter first. Fill to the top with clean fuel, through the small outer holes. Plug the larger center outlet hole while your doing this with a plug, your thumb, something! 

After a short engine run, repeat with the secondary filter, being even more careful all fuel enters the outer holes.

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Thanks Evo, I appreciate the advice. Even basic maintenance tasks work out better if there is a process. These big diesel are all new to me but have been servicing my cars for years. Lots to learn about these beasts!

Richard, nice to know even an empty tank is not an emergency once refilled. I figured there might be a priming process required.

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I just replaced both of mine. I did not pre fill them.

I did primary first and cycled the key a bunch of times, maybe 10. Fired the engine up. Let it run for 5 minutes or so. Same process for the second one. Did a 500 mile trip right after with no issues.

If you do prefill them, as others say, plug the center hole! 

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I also prefer to do fill of new filters prior to installing!  I keep a jug of diesel fuel that I have run through a funnel with coffee filters to ensure it is clean. I change primary first and do a key cycle before starting, then let run for two minutes. I then change the secondary filter, do key cycle and then start and run for two minutes - have never had any issue with air stumbling or no start.

Key is to make sure fuel used for pre-fills is clean.

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So Richard i had a pretty good chuckle reading how you rolled up to the pump as it ran out of fuel, not in my rig but in my car i remember as its getting low with no station in sight, first turning off the ac, then dropping the speed coasting down hill then reverting to religion till ya find a station😂😂😂 I find at those moments the “pucker” factor can be pretty strong🙀💩

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