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I adjusted the door using the good info here. However now we close it tightly but after a few miles the bottom latch pops open

The striker bolts are floating and need a good tug to move them around

i did notice the outside handle is almost at the end of the travel when it opens

1 hour ago, 63Hotrod said:

Might be it is puzzling as the door is closed firmly when we start out. I did find the top striker bolt loose 

Not releasing till the outside handle is near the end of it's travel to me, means the rods need to be tightened up.

I may be wrong.

6 hours ago, 63Hotrod said:

I adjusted the door using the good info here. However now we close it tightly but after a few miles the bottom latch pops open

The striker bolts are floating and need a good tug to move them around

i did notice the outside handle is almost at the end of the travel when it opens

Bill - I was having the same issue.  Even after adjusting the latch mechanism rods to where the door opens with just a small pull on the latch.  I tried doing the procedure of a "floating" striker bolt.  But, I kept experiencing what you are, after some time the striker bolt kept getting loose again.  I finally just set the striker bolts where they needed to be by tightening them slightly, then close and open the door a few times to set them in the correct position, and then I just firmly tightened both striker bolts.  I haven't had a problem with it since.

I know the theory is that these striker bolts are supposed to float, but I could not get that to happen without them becoming loose after sometime.  Maybe over the years these striker bolts lose the ability to "float".  My experience and maybe someone else has had better results.


I think the striker bolt coming loose may be the issue. The outside and inside handles both open at half travel, both latches click open at the same time.

So I am going back to the way we did it for the last few years. Losen the striker bolts a bit close and open the door three times and then lock them down. Worked in the past so hope for the future.

Thanks to all for your help


If you are going to Quartzsite this season there is an informal group of Monaco owners. Nice bunch of fellows. One of them is an expert on this subject. I think he has adjusted over 50 doors. No cost!


It may sound counterintuitive but if the bolt is adjusted too far in, the latch won’t catch on the second detent.  On mine the top would come free.  I moved the bolt outward so the latch can fully close on the second detent and all is better.


Worst part about adjusting the length of the latch rods is, you really don't know whether you've shortened them enough, or too much, until you have basically reassembled the door, to test it!


One of the ways to determine if the rods lengths are correct is to close both latches with your fingers while the door is open. Then very slowly pull on the outside handle while paying attention to two thing: 

One, that you hear the both release at same time. 
Two, that you pay attention to how far the handle moves when the latches release.

it might be helpful to brace one hand with the other hand so yo have controlled movement as you pull on the handle. You want to hear only one “click,” and not a rapid double “click.” Once the latches release, you want to make sure there is ample movement in the door handle before it reaches its end of travel.  

If the latches are adjusted properly, the handle will travel a small amount, the latches will release simultaneously and you will have travel left over in the handle.  Once the handle and latches are adjusted, then adjust the striker bolts.


Still on going problem, readjusted the door it opens about midway through the travel both latches release at the same time seems to be catching both strikers at the second click. Opens and closes great in the driveway

BUT drive a bit and we get an audible click and the door is now loose. Using the dead bolt till we get home




Can you tell if it is the upper latch or lower latch that is coming loose? Or are both coming loose?

Like I said above, I had to move the striker bolts out, maybe a ¼” to keep mine from poppping loose. 

Each door is a bit different, so it is a trial and error method make sure the latch fully engages the second click.
I know mine was frustrating until I figured it out. Sorry it is such a pain.


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If you have all the above proper adjustments done then the only thing I can think of is the latch itself. With the door open and you roll the latches into locked position with a pry tool of some sort try to pop a latch if you find one you can pop. I've never heard of one going bad but anything is possible from excessive wear, a crack, or still some sort of adjustment.

Roy  Mercier    2003 Dynasty

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