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Everything posted by Dr4Film

  1. Jerry, you didn't post what model 2002 Windsor and length that you own. I have a PBT model 40 foot with Aqua-Hot and the water pump module is located in the same small bay accessed on the passenger side where the water pump and Aqua Hot are also located. It is on the forward wall next to two fuse holders and HD relay that activates the water pump.
  2. Mel, that specific one has male threads however our coaches require female threaded fuel caps.
  3. Here is one remedy to secure all of your bay, fuel, electric and any other miscellaneous doors on the outside of your coach.
  4. John, Unfortunately those keys are a "dime a dozen" and most RV shops always carry all of the keys necessary to access bays, etc. The only keys they do not have are the ignition and deadbolt keys. Have you confronted the RV shop owner to let them know of your discovery?
  5. Hi Jim, Here is a web site which reduces those humongous website links down to something manageable. FYI https://tinyurl.com/
  6. Hi Jim, Yes, that is an older version of firmware. I have VM6200V1.0.3 I am surprised that it hasn't updated as it usually does that automatically with out you even knowing it. Even though the new version deleted the No Time Out option such that the longest option is now 2 hours, mine still does NOT time out and shut down.
  7. Jim, What firmware version does your Mobley have currently? I plugged mine into a digital timer which turns it off for one minute at 3 am then turns it back on so it's ready to use in the am.
  8. Joe, You are correct! It flashes the marker lights and it is located on the right side of the Smart-Wheel. There is another button on the left side at the top of the Smart-Wheel which flashes the headlights. My fog lights have a switch on the master dash which is located all the way to the left of the dash panel. If I remember correctly the way Monaco wired the coach the fog lights will only come on if the headlights are not on high beams and the switch is on. There is a relay in the FRB which controls the operation correctly. Some people including me have removed the relay , installed a jumper between two contacts of the relay base which allows to use the fog lights anytime you choose. I now use the fog lights for my DRL plus i removed the Hella Fog lamps and installed bright LED lights purchased from Amazon.
  9. Jason, My 2002 Windsor has a different bracket so hopefully someone with a 2003 Windsor will chime in. Chuck, your attachment does nothing.
  10. Good article BUT no link as to the location for the security fix. Doesn't Win 10 do automatic updates?
  11. Paul. I own a Magnum Opus toilet and will be attending the Lazy Days event. Love to see what you did. I carry a spare control board with me as being without a crapper is not a convenience I want t be without.
  12. Paul. I put the city and state where I am presently located in my signature that appears at the bottom of each message. That way when I am on the move I can update it quickly and easily.
  13. Glad you got it replaced before something more serious had happened. This post should be a warning and wake-up call for anyone who hasn't replaced their BEP battery switches. It has been talked about for MANY years and was first recommended by Fred White (RIP) so there is no excuse.
  14. Sorry, I read your post that he was stranded on the Monacoers Yahoo site not the Monacoers.org site. He would have to follow the moderators instructions as to how to sign on to the Monacoers .org site.
  15. Loren, Unfortunately that video demonstrates exactly why I drive 80 miles each way to have my Aqua-Hot repaired & serviced. My Aqua-Hot is located in the very same place as the one in the video and has access only through the sliding panels from an adjacent bay. The key statement in the video is "you have to be a contortionist" to work on the Webasto which I am NOT. Therefore, I have always paid to have work done on my Aqua-Hot. If Monaco had installed the system correctly in the first place located near the bay door so one could access the Webasto from outside the coach I would be doing all of my service and repairs myself. My service tech at the Hitching Post of Ocala stated that Tiffin has made it even more difficult in some cases by installing the Aqua-Hot behind a panel which needs to be removed every time to work on it. That's a great video though so thanks for posting it!
  16. Gary, That site is GONE! There isn't anything on that site as Yahoo has deleted it all, messages, files, photos, etc. The moderators have for months told members how to get onto our new site where all of the action is now taking place. Unfortunately there will be some members that will be left in the dust most likely to inactivity or if they were only trollers.
  17. Rick, The stir pump being pump #2 is only stirring when the Aqua-Hot diesel is running. That is so the boiler will not have any hot and cool spots in the 16 gallons of fluid. The pump does not run when the AH is off. So it doesn't run ALL the time. The other times it runs is when either Zone #2 or the Bay Heater is calling for it to run. Don't know whether you can add a thermostat to the heat ex-changer in the toilet room or not. My thermostat is in the bath hallway wall and the heat ex-changer is under the main vanity. I have nothing in the toilet room so when it is really cold we just leave the door open to get the heat into that room. Does the 10 Button Thermostat have a separate mode for the Aqua-Hot and the HP?
  18. Rick, Glad that the reboot worked. How do you activate the HP when you want to if the thermostat always uses the Aqu-Hot for heat? In regards to my Zone #2, when the thermostat in my bathroom calls for heat it turns on the heat ex-changer in the bathroom but not the one in the tank bay. When the thermostat in the tank bay calls for heat it then turns on the heat ex-changer in the tank bay but not the one in the bathroom. Yes, hot boiler fluid is running through the loop because the pump is running but the fans are not active in the area where it is not calling for heat. That is also true with the stir pump which is Zone #2 also I believe.
  19. Rick, I do have a separate thermostat in my tank bay where there is a separate heat ex-changer. I am assuming that it is part of the Zone #2 system. Plus I know that Zone #2 pump is used for stirring the boiler fluid too. I have four pumps, one for each zone, #1-#2-#3, and one for the Engine Pre-Heat Loop. My Aqua-Hot is model 431/12 which is the same as AH-100-01 & 02 I believe.
  20. Rick, I am not much help with your problem but will be following it to see what the outcome will be. However, I am assuming that the front thermostat controls the front AC and the front Zone #1 Heat Ex changer of the Aqua-Hot system. The the rear thermostat controls the rear AC and Zone #3 Heat Ex-changer of the Aqua-Hot system. What is surprising to me is that you don't have a thermostat inside the coach for Zone #2 which is your bath area. I have one 10 Button Thermostat in my bedroom which controls both front & rear AC's & HP's only. Then I have three separate Aqua-Hot thermostats which control the three different heat ex-changers zones, #1 Kitchen and Salon area, #2 Bathrooms and #3 Bedroom. Hopefully by doing a reboot on the thermostat it will return to normal operation. After reading the instruction manual for the 10 Button Thermostat, it states that the primary heat source will be the HP if the outside temp sensor is 35F or above. If the outside temp sensor is 30F or below the thermostat will select the AUX Heat source which would be your Aqua-Hot. Hope this helps a little.
  21. Check with Northwest RV Supply on Eugene OR.
  22. The shop is called Hitching Post of Ocala. That's the only place near me in Florida that I will allow them to work on my Aqua-Hot. They are am 80 mile drive from my house in Flagler Beach.
  23. Frank, Not good news! Good luck on attempting to repair the CAPS system. I don't know whether it is or isn't. Most people that have had leaks or problems they have replaced with a new CAPS. First it's hard to get to and a new one is VERY expensive.
  24. I have never been impressed with any satellite Internet service in the past due to the latency factor of the signal. Remember that when you click on a web site that command has to travel to the satellite then down to the server then back to the satellite and back down to you device. Maybe technology has changed, we shall see. But for people in remote areas of the world this will be their only choice for staying in touch with the world which is better than nothing.
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