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Georgia Mike

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Everything posted by Georgia Mike

  1. I ordered this stuff from Amazon. I have the red orange Propylene Glycol stuff in my AHE-100-104S so this should work. Thanks for all the info https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009D7A1LY/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B009D7A1LY&pd_rd_w=IjX4e&content-id=amzn1.sym.88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_p=88097cb9-5064-44ef-891b-abfacbc1c44b&pf_rd_r=X6VFN8W5M67R0GK5JF0V&pd_rd_wg=ibNQI&pd_rd_r=ec390ee5-2e54-424e-8612-c4dee458860b&s=automotive&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyMExZUEVRMUNQRFpIJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzk1MTI2Mkw0NkpXMlFNRFUwRiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjU0MjIwMzhJOFpHNkRCSEhDQiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  2. I need the Camco boiler antifreeze in the link I posted. I guess I’m just going to have to pay up.
  3. Has anyone purchased boiler antifreeze lately? I have been looking since I purchased my rig last year. I have some but getting low. I found one on Amazon for $68 seems very high. Camping world has it for $20 but always out of stock. https://www.campingworld.com/boiler--100f-antifreeze-gallon-72724.html
  4. If you get a windows tablet make sure it has a full size USB port that way you will have a separate charging port. A lot of the tablets have one micro usb that is also used as the charging port so you can’t change it while the vmspc is plugged in. I had a Dell venue on my old Motorhome that worked well or Microsoft surface would work.
  5. To me it really depends on how long it’s going to be below freezing. If it’s only for a few hours in the morning I would do as Tom said and just drain the water out of the lines by opening up all the faucets at the lowest drain point but I wouldn’t be concerned with the water tank or the water heater since those large volumes of water will take a long time to freeze. Now if you have an Aqua Hot I never take a chance with mine. If I even see anything near freezing I always run antifreeze through it for sure.
  6. Some of the dash switches light up when turned on and some don’t but they all function ok. I know I turned on the Aqua Hot preheat on one cold morning and had to turn on the Aladdin and watched the engine temperature slowly rise to make sure it was working. Ricjard I am getting ready to service my Aqua hot for the first time I have the same unit you do so I will let you know how it goes
  7. If you are looking for a capacitor I got a spare for my Penguins at this surplus place. https://surpluscityliquidators.com/products/5515-mfd-440-vac-dual-run-capacitor.html
  8. This is where i purchased it. I paid $1600 in August with free shipping. They are an authorized dealer. https://www.solar-electric.com/magnum-ms2012-2000-watts-12-volts-inverter.html
  9. When I first bought my Dynasty last year I found my Thomas compressor wasn’t working. With the help of everyone on the site they educated me on how it worked. When I pulled it out it was caked with dust and dirt in the motor vent opening. I ended up finding one on eBay that had been used in a dentist office with very little use and it was cheap….my price range. I ended up getting some breathable foam and wrapping it around the compressor to keep it clean. Mine is up near the rear axle so a lot of dirt and debris gets thrown up there. I had a leak that I just got fixed at Josams but prior to getting it fixed it would run quite a bit now it doesn’t come on at all.
  10. Richard, no courtesy light on mine but the exterior lights flash every time I use the remote.
  11. Sounds like your going down the same road I did and unfortunately I had to buy a new charger/inverter. Hopefully yours will turn out better
  12. I had a very similar problem a while back. If you search for “power load balance” lots of good information in there. To do a soft reset there is a little black button on the Magnum charger next to the little green light. You have to push it in for 15-20 seconds and I think it starts rapidly flashing then release.
  13. So everyone should look at your insurance policy you have for your Motorhome and see if it covers towing of your Motorhome. That’s my next call.
  14. I just got off the phone with Coachnet and they don’t cover towing of ANY vehicles that are involved in an accident including your Motorhome because of insurance liabilities. She is going to email the fine print. So just so everyone knows if your in an accident it’s on your own dime.
  15. Richard, I called the number for Coach net. The first thing he asked me was am I in a safe place. Then I told him I needed a tow because the vehicle had been in an accident. He put me on hold and came back as if he needed to ask someone a question and then told me I would have to pay for the tow because Coachnet wouldn’t cover it because it was in an accident. That’s what im concerned about them covering towing if our Motorhomes gets into an accident. Has any of your experience’s with them involved that scenario?
  16. My son works at Delta in Atlanta and was leaving work and got involved in an accident on i285 yesterday. He is fine but his pride and joy Nissan hardbody got destroyed. He was hit from behind by a drunk women with two small kids in the car. I got there in about 30 min and decided to try and get the truck towed myself. I called Coach.net because it covers all our vehicles. The guy tells me because it was involved in an accident it wasn’t covered for towing. I was like WHAT!! Are you kidding me. I was so passed I just hung up. Afterwards I was thinking so if I am in an accident in my Motorhome it’s not covered as well? So it’s only good if you break down? Have any of you come across this? I’m calling them tomorrow. Btw the women got arrested and charged with DUI.
  17. On my 06 Dynasty there is no signal box. On mine when you connect to cable you have to turn off the antenna booster to get cable to work maybe your 05 is set up the same way.
  18. I lost my middle ac shroud on my original penguin. Does anyone know if this will fit from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/ICON-Penguin-Dometic-Conditioner-Shroud/dp/B00IABALBO/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
  19. Just wanted to follow up on this electrical problem I was having. I ended up ordering a new Magnum 2000 watt inverter and installed it back in August and also not long after that installed the Hughes Autoformer. Since that time I have been on 4 or 5 trips without any problems. Hopefully this lengthy discussion will help someone in the future. Thanks to all that responded.
  20. When I was in my 20’s I worked for FPL for 3 years as a lineman. Whenever we would go out on storm damage we were always aware of back feed from generators. The scary thing is those transformers work both directions. FPL’s primary voltage in most neighborhoods is 7600 volts and is stepped down to 120/240 so if someone turns on a generator and doesn’t have there house main off you just put 7600 volts into the power lines. We never relied on people doing the right thing so one thing that was drilled into us was work between the grounds. We would ground both ends of the area we where working on so nothing would become energized. After seeing a lot of crazy things one thing I took away from working there was a lot of respect for electricity and to never take short cuts and always put safety first.
  21. In my case all batteries were replaced in 2020. I have a load tester so tomorrow I will check that and the connections on the chassis batteries. I have a solar charger so both of my battery banks are always float charging around 13.5 volts or somewhere around there. The guy I bought it from wasn’t cheap he put Trojans for the house batteries but I’m not sure of the chassis brand.
  22. Getting ready to leave yesterday to head home and I went to start the Motorhome I turned the key one notch and waited for “wait to start” light to go out. The gauges did there usual thing and when I turned the key the rest of the way to start……nothing not even a click. I tried it a second time and it started right up. It happened again today after a stop and again started right up on second try. This never happened before. Could this be the keyed switch suddenly going bad?
  23. I am down here in Melbourne FL for thanksgiving and brought my rig over to Josam’s to have an air leak fixed. I asked Barry to inspect the chassis for any other problems. When I went to pick it up he said the drag link would need to be replaced in 6-8 months. I know about the only place you can get them is Hendersons and they are expensive. Barry said that’s where he gets them. My question…..is this something I can replace? I have looked all over this form and can find people have fixed them by welding them but no one replacing them. Barry told me I need the 58 inch drag link so I know the one I need. Has anyone done this themselves?
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