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Paul J A

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Everything posted by Paul J A

  1. NO tag axle Monaco brand coaches were ever built in Elkhart, In.
  2. Several ppl have used a sawzall or a knife, and cut the old bag out. Soak the fasteners and what ever else with a 50/50 mixture of ATF and acetone. The absolute best penetrating agent I have ever used. Some ppl have purchased a "cheap" wrench or wrench's at Harbor Freight for the bolts on the top of the bag, heated them to an angle to use on those bolts on the FRONT Bags.
  3. Is the air supply in the basement adequate to supply the Heating unit?
  4. Replace with aluminum tubing and rubber fittings like the trucks use. Eliminate all that air friction going on the that pleated duct. https://www.intakehoses.com/ I did on our ISX 525 and it made a huge difference in the performance. I don't have any pictures of that . I also went straight pipe on the exhaust. Here is a picture of my Aladdin after the intake and exhaust mods. **************That is just CRUISING MPG.**************
  5. This may be of interest to some or all. https://www.priorityrvnetwork.com/
  6. WE do NOT "WHINE" before our time!!! These guys are terrific on the phone for DASH HVAC issues and parts. https://www.comfortairgr.com/
  7. We have been using a I Pass from Illinois for over 20 years, 10 full timing. Sooooo easy.
  8. Thank you for all the great contributions you made to this site and it's members. THAT is what this site is all about. NO posts, NO success. Be well & Be safe.
  9. Interesting article/post on another site i view . https://m.facebook.com/groups/922563977854351/permalink/6523987227711970/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  10. https://www.steelerubber.com/camper-rv?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ad&utm_campaign=google_ad_rv&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhfipBhCqARIsAH9msbne0hnMikZfxD_gYmiJgHPIwi2AVbXc7CjJFIz_dDergZ3XXD6Pyf0aAkvDEALw_wcB has them.
  11. Try stengels first.Air Bags [Springs} Sources https://vanhorntruckparts.com/ http://www.missionsupplyonline.com/ https://www.bigrigcomponents.com https://www.truckspring.com Sdtrucksprings.com http://www.stengelbros.com/suspension-springs/air-springs-air-bags/
  12. That is what they use. It was soooooo handy and fast. No running the engine, etc.
  13. I would. And hope Frank has a plan for the parts availability from a successor, or designated additional coop entity. Replace the components NOW, instated of later.
  14. I meet a guy in Indio, Ca. in 11-2005 at a RV Park who was inflating his coach tires with a powertank.com . He was a distributor for the product. I purchased a 15# Tank and all the accessories for the use of it. I had the tank filled with Nitrogen, MY choice. It was amazing. Filled coach tires from 105# to 110# in less than -1- minute. I installed it in the coach basement, with quick disconnects, and used a 50' hose to air up the coach and toad from either side of the coach. The tank of nitrogen would last 1 to 1-1/2 years between refills, costing between 12-14$ at Gas Supply businesses around the country as we were Full Timers. I paid 495$ for it, and Sold it in Spring of 2014 for 350$. I would do it again .
  15. *****NEW***** Toyo M144 295-80-22.5 dated 2020. *****YES 2020.***** Just installed on a friend's coach, 10-2023. Would you replace in 2027, or 2030? PLEASE, no comments on why did he buy them or how much did he pay for them. Thank you.
  16. SOMETIMES you can bend the hinge with striking it with a hammer enough to accommodate the adjustment needed.
  17. Simplicity at a value. I like it. That would be very attractive for cross country, etc, stopping every other day, etc.
  18. A friend of mine had his Cat ECM go bad. Sent the engine serial number to a ECM retailer, 3 days later, it shipped. Up and running 3 days later. No opinions or speculations.
  19. The paper edition of the WSJ is my daily staple for information and knowledge, delivered to our residence. We full timed 10 years, 2004-2014. A treasured lifetime experience we would never exchange for anything. Having been to 6 continents we feel we can properly evaluate and suggest to others to please do give it your sincere consideration. With the luxury of sites like this as available , it is sooooooo simple to get help on any issue that you could imagine or experience. And there is some validity to; Some timers, Full timers, and then Alzheimer's!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha!!! Approaching becoming a nonagenarian , I am blessed.
  20. You buy the BEST, or PICK from the rest. THE optimum time to install new shocks and air bags is when you have new tires installed. It's ALL assessable , which saves big $$$ . Soak the fittings/fasteners with 50/50 ATF & Acetone mixture. BEST penetrating agent i have ever used. Use a knife or sawzall and cut the air bag out. So simple and out of the way.
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