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To all who can help with this??

Anyone know how to reset code for the safe that is in my coach.  When I bought it they didn't know the code.  I have contacted Monaco for information and was told they couldn't help.  There has to be a way to reset them, just finding out how to program them is the key I suppose.


Doc Gem and there was a number on the bottom corner...





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Yes, safe is a very relative term as is secure.  We have a female friend who is quite paranoid regarding security of her home. She asked me about various locks, security cameras, etc.  My reply was that locks work reasonably well for slowing down entry into your house, security cameras will get you a picture of the invader, who has long been gone before you can react to it and with all that said and done your best bet is to remove your windows because if they are determined to get in  breaking a window or patio door is the easiest way in.  I recommended she have good locks, close and latch the windows, have security cameras, but nothing guarantees that someone can't get in.  My thought is that motion sensor lights on all sides of your house is as good a deterent as anything.  When the light comes on a potential intruder doesn't know if your home and turned on the light because you knew they were there.  Sorry for the dissertation, but security issues amuse me.

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Are you sure it was a Monaco installed option.  Can’t find  the 2003 brochure, but the 2002 & 2004 don’t list it.  YES….they did custom builds, but only the upper ends had safe options.

have you tried the manufacturer of the safe?  This looks like an older style hotel safe where you programmed in your own number before they went to the key style.

My understanding was that there is a “master” programming code to reset them.  I have installed a lot of combo locks at our church and you program them with a code.  For these, if it is a “hotel” style OEM or added by an owner….it has “the code” stamped or printed somewhere.

It is battery powered.  Does it go beep or give you any kind of feedback?  Lots of questions.  As Richard pointed out, a good locksmith will be “bonded and licensed” and have the access code or a way of getting in.  I watched a maintenance man at our time share when they had these kind,  He popped in a master or a programming code….reset the code to the “universal one”, then it worked.

Might pursue the manufacturer or maybe shoot a picture and visit a good local bonded locksmith….they will give you info….as well as an estimate.  Assume it is bolted down.  Can you get to the bolts?  Grind off the heads of there are any or the nuts….take it out.  Might be cheaper to buy a new one,  The combo dial (three digits) ones are sold by Amazon and Lowes.  I have one in the MH and it is secure….and has NO BATTERY….a good feature.  I don’t bother to bolt it down….it is a heavy dude….

Good Luck

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36 minutes ago, Capt Mike said:

I actually removed my safe and took into a local locksmith who “cracked” the safe and gave me instructions to reset the combo. It was pretty easy to do.

How have you removed the safe? Ours is bolted from the inside of it through the floor. Ours works so I did not check if there is a way to undo it from underneath, it would not be that easy or fast, it might even go through the rail. Just curious how safe it is from just stealing the whole thing ...

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2 hours ago, Ivan K said:

How have you removed the safe? Ours is bolted from the inside of it through the floor. Ours works so I did not check if there is a way to undo it from underneath, it would not be that easy or fast, it might even go through the rail. Just curious how safe it is from just stealing the whole thing ...

Usual way!

Chain around it, attached to the toad, and just a little tug 😂!

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It looks a lot like the one I installed in our coach. Strictly from memory since the coach is in storage, there is a small key hole behind the logo on the front of the safe. You  open it with the key, change the batteries (couple of AAA's) and reset the code by following the directions inside. The key is a small one that looks like it would be for a padlock. If it is like mine, it came from Harbor Freight.

Edited by coastal_front
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13 minutes ago, Capt Mike said:

Replying to Ivan K… my safe was bolted to a piece of one inch board and that board was held in place by four wood screws. (If memory serves) I did remove the door that hides the safe also.

Thanks for the reply , Mike. Sounds like a different installation.

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17 hours ago, pcallison said:

Was just watching some youtube on how to get it open and they aren't really that safe?? lol   I think I will give it a shot...


I will try the 50 ship code first though...

Evidently there is a clinoid pin that can be jarred loose??

Many of these type safes can be opened with a paper clip.
It's possible to slip the clip behind the bezel and short across the relay that trips the bolt.
Once it's open, there may be a reset button inside to allow reprogramming the combination.
Check Youtube for instructions, and remember it's only a deterrent.  I wouldn't keep my gold bars in there. LOL

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